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Lord Keeper of the King's Seal

From TCH Archive
Revision as of 20:44, 29 February 2024 by Tarkin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''Lord Keeper of the King's Seal''', commonly referred to as the '''Lord Seal''', is a senior advisor to the monarch of the Balancín Kingdoms. In contemporary times, the Lord Seal is a senior member of the government and usually a member of the Balancín Parliament. Holders of the office are empowered to use the King's Seal, a representation of his power and authority as King. This has, historically, granted holders significant power within the Kingdom and...")
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The Lord Keeper of the King's Seal, commonly referred to as the Lord Seal, is a senior advisor to the monarch of the Balancín Kingdoms. In contemporary times, the Lord Seal is a senior member of the government and usually a member of the Balancín Parliament. Holders of the office are empowered to use the King's Seal, a representation of his power and authority as King. This has, historically, granted holders significant power within the Kingdom and has led to most Lords Seal being considered heads of government. Appointed at the discretion of the monarch, the Lord Seal does not depend on the consent of Parliament. Since the establishment of the Balancín Kingdoms, however, the Lord Seal is expected to "seek" the confidence of Parliament.

The office was first created in 2665 by a royal charter by King Alfonso I and has been held nearly continuously since (with the exception of periods of interregnum). On certain occasions, the Lords Seal have held different governmental titles alongside being Lord Seal. The current Lord Seal, the Duke of Mountbatten, also holds the title of Lord President of the King's Council. The title of Lord President of the King's Council is also one that has held significant weight throughout history. Often, the personality of the respective office holders contributed to which office held more power, as well as who held more sway over the reigning monarch.

Since the establishment of the Balancín Kingdoms, the office of Lord Seal has been considered to be equivalent to that of a prime minister. Many news outlets have reported it as such. The first post-democratic Lord Seal was Lady Christina De Leon. She was succeeded on 1 January 3024 by the Duke of Mountbatten.

List of Lords Seal

Since the creation of the office in 2665 there have been 72 Lords Seal. Throughout different periods, the Lords Seal have held certain political affiliations. Since 3024, alignment to a political party has been illegal within the Balancín Kingdoms. The eras of Lords Seal represent different eras of political affiliation within the Kingdom.

During the first era (2665 - 2680), is characterised by a generally united court. No major political affiliations arose, despite around specific issues but were rarely consistent across issues.

The second era started in 2680 and continued until the Pius Revolution. During the second era, the major political divide was between the conservative Rooks and the liberal Whigs. The divide came during the later reign of King Charles I, when many in court preferred to supplant Queen Elisa I and instead instal her son, Charles, as King. Those who supported the Queen became known as the Rooks, while those who supported Charles became known as the Whigs. Eventually, more conservative minded members of the court coalesced around the Rooks, while liberals became Whigs. The Rook-Whig dichotomy continued until the reign of King John, as Queen Regent Elisa Pius ruled much of the country to the distaste of both Rooks and Whigs.

The third era started in 2840 with the Crusades to install King Antony Edmund II as King against the Pius Revolution. Despite most direct supporters of Elisa Pius being executed in Antony Edmund's early reign, there were some radical supporters of hers who continued to speak out in Parliament. That minority described themselves as "loyalists" but later became known as the Chequers, a derogatory reference to the game which is considered much simpler and less intelligent than Chess. The Rooks continued to dominate politics for the entire third era and became far more reformist. Many former Whigs became Rooks during this period as King Antony Edmund spearheaded liberal reforms.

The fourth era began with the defeat of the Earl of Win de la Ross in the 2914 general election. Called as the first major mass democratic exercise, Queen Isabel vocally supported the Kingdom's right to choose a democratic leader. After his defeat in the election, she appointed the left-wing radical Marco Winn to the position of Lord Seal after his leftist party won a plurality in the election. After this, the Rooks narrowed to become a more traditional, conservative party. Reformers created their own bloc, which became known as the Pawns after the derogatory name given to them by the Rooks. The radicals saw periodic spouts of power in the early 2900s. The fourth era ended in 2986 with the abolition of the monarchy after the Pawns and the Radicals announced support for the republican United Federation of Planets.

The fifth era was the briefest and extended from the re-establishment of the monarchy in 3021 until the establishment of the Balancín Kingdoms in 3023. No political affiliations were used for royal roles and the fifth era represented a time when the office held significantly less political weight, owing to the democratic institutions that still operated within the country.

The sixth era started upon Maximilian II's establishment of the Balancín Kingdoms in 3023. The ruling Christian Alliance was a broad church party that represented a wide range of Christian monarchists. Once their common goal was achieved, this consensus broke down. The bulk of the moderate party stuck together under the leadership of Christina De Leon. They adopted the historical name "the Rooks" for their faction of status-quo conservative christians. More radical Christians created the Bishops, using the same Chess metaphor as before. Once the Bishops had formed, the naming convention stuck. Liberal democratic reformers chose the historical name "Pawns", and radical socialists became known as "the Chequers". The fifth era continues to this day, though has thus far been dominated by the Rooks.

The First Era (2665 - 2680)
Lord Seal Term of office Monarch
Lord Juan Pius 5 November 2655 until 19 October 2658 Alfonso I
Lord Carlos Murcia 19 October 2658 until 20 October 2660
Lord Juan Pius 20 October 2660 until 4 May 2661
4 May 2661 until 30 October 2680 Charles I
The Second Era (2680 - 2821)
Lord Seal Term of office Political affiliation Monarch
Sir Ricardo Dafydd 30 October 2680 until 1 November 2685 Rook Charles I
Lord Ause Fallon, Duke of Belemadena 3 November 2685 until 24 November 2691 Whig
Lord Vic de Vigo, Earl of Basque 24 November 2691 until 20 May 2695 Rook
Geoffrey Albares 20 May 2695 until 28 June 2695 Whig
Lord Vic de Vigo, Earl of Basque 28 June 2695 until 1 February 2703 Rook Elisa I
Sir Geoffrey Albares 1 February 2703 until 21 December 2723 Whig Charles II
Archbishop Alfonso Ferdinando 10 January 2724 until 10 January 2729 Independent
The Duke of Rajoy 10 January 2729 until 8 August 2739 Rook
8 August 2739 1 November 2739 Charles III
The Lord Aerion 1 November 2739 until 20 December 2740
Sir Geoffrey Albares 20 December 2740 until 27 July 2745 Whig
Sir Eduardo de la Serna 27 July 2745 until 28 December 2748
28 December 2748 until 26 August 2756 Philip II
Sir Enrique Basque 30 August 2756 until 15 January 2762
Prince Robert Martell 15 January 2762 until 30 January 2762
Lord Guillermo Montoro, Duke of Cantabria 30 January 2762 until 17 July 2780 Rook
Lord Pedro de Vigo, Earl of Basque 17 July 2780 until 1 March 2790
Sir Roman Luis 1 March 2790 until 21 December 2793
Bishop Bernardo Swuil 21 December 2793 until 19 February 2801 Independent Oberon
None, direct rule (2801 until 2804) Antony Edmund I
Lord Bernat Aido, Earl of Aido 15 February 2801 until 6 August 2801 Rook
6 August 2801 until 13 January 2802 Charles IV
13 January 2802 until 17 October 2809 Maximilian I
Lord Nan Beesbery, Earl of Win de la Ross 17 October 2809 until 3 March 2817
Lord Bernat Aido, Earl of Aido 3 March 2817 until 26 November 2821
The Third Era (2840 - 2914)
Lord Seal Term of office Political affiliation Monarch
Lieutenant R. A. Grantham 7 September 2840 until 6 July 2842 Rook Antony Edmund II
Finnick Wealsey 6 July 2842 until 1 January 2859
1 January 2859 until 10 January 2859 Charles V
The Lord Solbes 10 January 2859 until 19 February 2863
The Lord Carmichael 19 February 2863 until 10 March 2863
Carme Cose 10 March 2863 until 19 March 2863 Chequer
Lord Gammon Lear, Duke of Mountbatten 19 March 2863 until 28 December 2870 Rook
Carme Cose 28 December 2870 until 14 January 2871 Chequer
Finnick Wealsey 14 January 2871 until 30 October 2890 Rook
Lord Michail Lear, Duke of Mountbatten 30 October 2890 until 6 October 2899
6 October 2899 until 3 April 2904 Alfonso II
Lord Ocam Beesbery, Earl of Win de la Ross 3 April 2904 until 23 March 2908
23 March 2908 until 4 July 2914 Isabel
The Fourth Era (2914 - 2986)
Lord Seal Term of office Political affiliation Monarch
Marco Winn 4 July 2914 until 3 August 2917 Radical Isabel
Sir Jordan Van Hoff 3 August 2917 until 5 September 2917
Lord Ocam Beesbery, Earl of Win de la Ross 5 September 2917 until 1 December 2927 Rook
The Lord Urso 1 December 2927 until 21 November 2934 Pawn
Sir Henry Darnton 21 November 2934 until 1 May 2940
Maximiliano Martinez 1 May 2940 until 31 January 2941 Radical
Lord Trent de Vigo, Earl of Basque 31 January 2941 until 17 April 2941 Rook
17 April 2941 until 13 January 2942 Philip III
Lord Gerard Calvo, Duke of Belemadena 14 January 2942 until 30 June 2948
Maximiliano Martinez 30 June 2948 until 1 March 2951 Radical
Lord Tristan Maekar, Duke of Mountbatten 1 March 2951 until 6 July 2961 Rook
Maximiliano Martinez 6 July 2961 until 16 August 2965 Radical
Lord Tristan Maekar, Duke of Mountbatten 16 August 2965 until 23 October 2969 Rook
The Lord Adolfo 23 October 2969 until 23 October 2975 Pawn
The Lord Moore 23 October 2975 until 9 January 2976
9 January 2976 until 1 May 2980 Charles VI
Sir Orazio Schillaci 1 May 2980 until 21 September 2983 Rook
Alfredo Dafydd Mantovano 21 September 2983 until 4 February 2986 Radical
The Fifth Era (3021 - 3023)
Lord Seal Term of office Monarch
Emiliano Matias Alejandro 8 March 3021 until 11 June 3021 Charles VI
Prince Brandon Blackfyre 11 June 3021 until 14 June 3021
Prince Antony Caliban (later the Prince Regent) 14 June 3021 until 6 September 3022 Mary
Sir Michael Rodean 6 September 3022 until 29 May 3023 Maximilian II
Prince Antony Caliban, Duke of Sinacras 29 May 3023 until 27 July 3023
The Sixth Era (3023 - present)
Lord Seal Term of office Political affiliation Parliament Monarch
Lady Christina De Leon 16 August 3023 until 1 January 3024 Rook None Maximilian II
Lord Zacarias Maekar, Duke of Mountbatten 1 January 3024 until present