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The 2nd Annual Wiltshirian Presidential Election will be held on February 6, 3021 to either re-elect the first or elect the second President of Wiltshire, to serve the term of February 7, 3021 until February 6, 3022. The election will be the first in which an incumbent president is eligible to seek a second term and will likely have over a million registered voters, assuming the turnout is as high as expected in the June 3020 Wiltshire Legislative Elections.

Incumbent President Gaius Selan is eligible to seek re-election and will most likely run as an independent, if he should run. Whether or not President Selan - who holds record popularity - seeks a second term will have a large impact on other candidates in the race. For example, the Liberal Conservatives likely wouldn't run a candidate against Selan.
President Selan's trademark policy during his time in office has been the growth of the Wiltshirian military, notably the Wiltshire Navy and the development of the Cassin Young-class aircraft carrier. Selan would likely seek a second term if he felt this military expansion was at risk, given that he has said he would only appoint a Prime Minister who supported such actions. In addition, the Liberal Conservatives' performance in the June 3020 Assembly elections will likely shape the second half of Selan's term and so will also have an impact on his chances as a candidate. So far, the President has made no comment on the election.
The only formal rules for the running of a presidential election comes from the Second Elections Act, 3020 which laid out the following criteria;
"On the first Saturday of every February, the citizens shall poll to elect a President of the Republic. The following Sunday shall commence the President-elect's term in office."
"The poll in the election of the President shall be conducted by the Elections Authority and shall franchise electors aged 18 and older not otherwise prohibited from voting by incarceration."
The Elections Authority has yet to release the guidelines for the 2021 Presidential Election, but is expected by August/September.
The Labour and Progress parties have announced that they will host nomination contests to select their candidates. The Labour Party has said they will conduct their contest by national popular vote of Labour members and Progress has stated that they will host their contest via the local authorities.
The Liberal Conservatives, KRV and Socialist parties have not commented on nominations (with the Liberal Conservatives likely not standing a candidate should the President seek re-election).
The following list of candidates is based on speculation and opinion polling conducted prior to May 26, 3020.
Candidate | Experience | City |
Gaius Selan | 1st President of Wiltshire (since January 3020)
Cabinet Secretary for Internal Affairs (December 3019) |
Wiltshire (Juneville) |
Joe Harris | East Washington Local Authority Councillor (since March 3016) | Washington |
Liberal Conservatives
Candidate | Experience | City |
Audrick Hill | Prime Minister of Wiltshire (January 3019 until February 3019; since January 3020)
Leader of the Conservative Party (November 3018 until February 3019; October 3019 until January 3020) Leader of the Liberal Conservative Party (since January 3020) Mayor of Washington E.R. (June 3019 until February 3020) Minister for the Washington Office (November 3013 until January 3015; September 3015 until January 3016) Minister for the Environment (January 3015 until May 3015) Minister for Utilities (May 3015 until September 3015) Liberal Conservative Assembly Member (since February 3020) |
Washington |
Min Zife | Secretary of Foreign and Defence Affairs (since February 3020)
Chief Secretary of the Privy Council (since March 3020) Wiltshire Ambassador to the International Defence Organization (January 3019 until December 3019) |
Wiltshire (West Arches) |
John Pole | Liberal Conservative Assembly Member (since February 3020)
Minister for Policing and Law Enforcement (since February 3020) |
Wiltshire (West Arches) |
Sonya Inyo | Assembly Member for Juneville Central's 4th district (January 3016 until April 3019)
Chairwoman of the Conservative Party (January 3019 until March 3019) Candidate for President of the Novanite Federation (March 3019) Candidate for Liberal Conservative Assembly Member (June 3020) |
Wiltshire (Juneville) |
Candidate | Experience | City |
Tony Beck | Leader of the Socialist Party (since January 3020)
Minister of Health (January 3010 until July 3010) Minister for Defence (January 3016 until July 3018) Assembly Member for East Arches 1st district (September 3009 until January 3019) |
Wiltshire (East Arches) |
Candidate | Experience | City |
Mark Edwin | Leader of the Labour Party (since December 3019)
Labour Assembly Member (since February 3020) Washington City Councillor (July 3018 until February 3020) |
Washington |
Rita Smith | Leader of the Labour Party (February 3019 until June 3019)
Director of Wiltshire (April 3019 until June 3019) Assembly Member for Alphenland 4th district (May 3015 until September 3019) Leader of the Socialist Party (January 3019 until February 3019) Labour Assembly Member (since February 3020) Candidate for Wiltshire President (3020) |
Wiltshire (Alphenland) |