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Gaius Selan (born 10 December 2978) is a Wiltshirian statesman and politician currently serving as the 1st President of Wiltshire. Selan rose to prominence when he was appointed Cabinet Secretary for Internal Affairs during the New Corporate Republic's rule of Wiltshire. However, upon discovering the horror's of the NCR's actions against Tauran citizens, Selan defected from the NCR to the Oscdean State where he formed the Government of National Resistence.
While leading the Government of National Resistance, Selan called for a General Strike. This strike was a call to action to all citizens in Wiltshire, "Stand up, Forever; March, Forward". This strike, along with growing concerns from within the KRV, led to the NCR to announce that they would relinquish control of Wiltshire. A major victory for Selan. This independence, though hard fought and victorious, came with the cost of an Independent Wiltshire's neutrality in the NCR/IDO conflict.
Wiltshire became independent on 28 January 3020 and Selan became Interim President, becoming permeant President following the 3020 Wiltshire Presidential Election. Selan also appointed Audrick Hill, the Mayor of Washington E.R., to serve as Prime Minister.
Personal life
Selan was a civil servant before getting involved in politics; serving in the Civil Service from 3014 until 3019. In 3019, he was tapped for his "expert level knowledge" of internal affairs by Samuel Thune but he was uneasy about the appointment.
This tension came due to the fact that Selan is the father of a Tauran/Terran half-breed.