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From TCH Archive
Revision as of 06:23, 28 March 2021 by imported>CCommon

The Nightlands is a harsh authoritarian state ruled by Nightlings. The stability and function of the state is fueled by extreme torture and fear. Slaves make up the vast majority of the population, with most slaves coming from the Nightlings' efficient human breeding farms, where children will spend most of their lives labouring until adulthood where they can either be conscripted into the Thralls or remain as labouring slaves.

The Nightland's economy is planned. They distribute food that they get from their underground farms to the populace. Whoever the state considers to be useful will be greatly rewarded and encouraged for their work, though this does not excuse them from being punished and tortured for weeks if they ever disobey or repeat a mistake.

Human slave about to be sent to the Hell's Gate Machine for the 24th time




The Nightlings are not humans, or aliens. They are actually superhumans created by Chromotech, a genetic modification research and technology corporation.

Before the Nightlings, Chromotech has been obsessed with finding a way to create a truly effective superhuman. Even going as far as to secretly make illegal deals and fall into kidnapping just to find the test subjects that they lack.

The corporation was eventually caught comiting their crimes. The company and every base it owned was abandoned or taken down, except for one secret underground base hidden in the mountains on Doggerland.

Eventually they invent Nightwater, a fluid that greatly improves the durability of a material. Unfortunately, the harder something is, the less effect Nightwater has on the material.

Nightwater has been shown not to only increase durability, but also improve the muscle power and senses of living beings by several times. The remaining base of Chromotech realizing this, had finally realized they achieved their goal.

They invented a machine whose purpose is to strategically insert Nightwater into a human's body in such a way that every part of the person converts at the same time to avoid darkbites. Since the human body is incompatible and rejects Nightwater infected flesh.

The machines, now called Ebon Assimilator, have proven to be capable of converting human beings into Nightlings.

The Nightlings were the perfect superhuman. Their flesh was as hard as steel, and they could carry weights ten times heavier.

Chromotech, believing they could improve their superhumans even further, added modifications to the Ebon Assimilator's design to induce Psychopathy and a sense of extreme loyalty and nationalism to the person or country that they serve.


Because of Chromotech's illegality, it was difficult for them to release their inventions to the world without resulting in their destruction. The Nightlings were no longer able to tolerate all the experiments. The Nightling's stagnancy and superiority made them easily manipulated when an individual Nightling rose up and claimed that the Superior race (Nightlings) should be the rulers of the world. Their belief is that once the entire universe is united as one nation, they would be able to create a perfect utopia where the Nightlings will live as custodians, enslaving themselves to create an impeccable perfect galaxy for all the other races to live for generations forever.

This gave the Nightlings a goal, and a reason to be united. The individual Nightling, known today as Overseer One, demanded Chromotech's leadership be handed to the Nightlings.

Chromotech rejected their idea, resulting in an extreme Nightling rebellion. The Nightlings were easily able to take control of the lowest floors of the mountain base. The Nightlings populations easily swarmed and overpowered. The Nightlings' superhuman abilities gave them a great advantage against Chromotech, who was unable to call for outside help and intervention due to being an illegal company.

The base was overpowered, and Chromotech no longer exists. Nightlings now rule the base and can do whatever they want to do with the hundreds of employees they have captured.


The Nightlings did not want to convert all the humans into Nightlings immediately, and instead threw them to the breeding farms or mines to spend their entire lives serving the Nightlings until the time they are worthy to become Custodians, and transform into a Nightling.

The Nightlings formed a government, and quickly developed their nation. They used Nightwater to strengthen their structures and underground. The Nightlings that fought in the rebellion was recruited into the White Knights, a military force focusing on Nightling troops.

The rebelliousness of the slaves inspired Hands, a Nightling, to invent multiple devices using scavenged Chromotech Technology. He was able to produce several extreme torture machines that may seem inhumane, and is actually inhumane, but the Nightlings don't care and use it anyways to enforce the loyalty of both Nightlings and non-nightlings. Ever since Hand's inventions was put into use, the lives of both Nightlings and Slaves have become hellish. But his inventions had still proven useful, and had efficiently silenced most rebellions. The Nightling's delusional nationalism had made it almost impossible for them to even think of betraying the government, making these devices even more effective on them.


The Nightling government does not have an official ideology. For most actions that they take, the Overseers simply have a discussion and debate what is the best thing to do.

Each member is named after a number. Abandoning their past as human beings and devoting all they are and all they have for their nation.

Nightling Overseer

Overseer One deals with stability and enforcement.

Overseer Two manages development and construction.

Overseer Three manages the slaves and human breeding farms.

Overseer Four deals with espionage and national security.

Overseer Five manages assimilation and Nightwater farms.

Overseer Six manages the military and military industry.

Overseer Seven manages technological progress and development.

They place high importance in stability and will prioritize on having a predictable and planned development of the Nightlands.

Each Overseer keeps one another in their place. They all hold a common goal of developing and strengthening their nation due to their Nightling psychology, and will work as equals for this reason.

Nightling Race and Society

Nightlings are created using the Ebon Assimilator. Which is a machine that will replace all their blood, and infect as much cells as possible in the shortest time they can with Nightwater. Mistakes in this process can result in their bodies rejecting the assimilated body parts as foreign objects.

The Nightlings cannot be exposed to electromagnetic

The Nightlings are incapable of sexual reproduction, so they rely on massive inhumane human breeding farms to grow their population.

The Nightlings have learned to utilize their Nightwater saliva in their technology. They have the ability to corrupt rocks and metal of all sorts and transform it into Night versions of it. And since those materials have long longevity and does not rely on cell reproduction to exist they are able to survive exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

The Nightlings have eyes, but since seeing requires having light reflect on your eyes, they can't really use it for long durations. Some Nightlings use special seeing visors that brings information directly into their brains.

The Nightlings require so much more nutrients to sustain their bodies than ordinary humans. Resulting into them being in a state of hunger frequently causing rampant slave eating in the state.

Nightlings have an extremely deep emotional connection to their nation, perhaps put in place due to the Corporation's desire to keep their superhumans loyal to whatever state they would be sold to. But this emotional connection was easily corrupted, transforming into an obsession where they are willing to do whatever it takes to bring their nation to the greatest heights they could reach. It seems they were not intended to be rulers or think rationally. All of them are almost psychopathic, the only remaining fragments of their empathy and sympathy is reserved to those who are able to contribute to the state that they are serving.


The Nightling vehicles and armor is made out of Nightwater corrupted stone, and sometimes metal.

Most of the Nightlings in the military prefer to be the military leadership, and avoid being on the front lines. Nightlings that are in the military force are part of the White Knights, a Nightling only elite force using the latest technology and weaponry.

Slaves unfortunate enough to be conscripted into the Enforcers will be the internal guards, keeping the slaves disciplined and well tortured, while those recruited as Thralls will be part of the military, being given scraps for protection and medieval weapons as the proper cannon fodder that they are.


The Nightlings have something they're really good at: torture and technology related to such, mostly invented by Overseer One. Their torture tactics and devices are capable of permanent psychological damage and disability, but some are easily healed so the victim may be sent to work as soon as possible. The most well known Nightling tortures are:

Hell's Gate

The hells gate (also known as Hell Machine) is a machine that has the appearance of a large standing casket with uncountable amounts of needles emerging from its walls. The victim will enter the casket and have the machine connect into their nerves, spine, and brain. Every part their body will have its pain receptors activated to its maximum. The machine itself is focused on keeping the person alive and slowing their sense of time. Those who rebel are sent to the Hell Gates where they will suffer unimaginable pain for several days.

Dawn's Devourer

This Dawn's Devourer is used before an execution and only works when the victim is a Nightling. The victim will have a spike that pierces through their spine. The spike is connected to a machine that forcefully keeps the Nightling's organs, mind, and senses running. The torture is done outdoors in the surface, easily seen by the slave populations. The victim will be held in the air by this spike and have their exposure to electromagnetic radiation or sunlight shut down their cell reproduction. Their bodies will start to slowly break down as microorganisms decompose their dying flesh. Even as only their brain remains, the spike makes sure that they live through all of it. Eventually, when nothing else is left except for the long living cells, the machine will be disabled and the Nightling is left to perish.


A device is implanted into the victim's brain. The device when activated does nothing but cause extreme unimaginable discomfort. No matter what the person does or do, the feeling refuses to disappear unless made to by an Overseer. This is usually implanted on slaves after birth. When slaves become rebellious or decide to form protests, an Overseer may activate the implants and have the slaves drop down to the ground writhing. Enforcers will then retrieve the rebels and bring them to the Hell Gates for punishment.