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List of all known languages
English: Lingua Franca of Doggerland, generally used in international meetings and communications, and as the official language of several nations and cities.
Dutch (Nederlands): One of the official languages used in the Eastern Federal Republic, along with English and Bonitanan Spanish
Bonitanan Spanish (Español Bonitaño/Castellano de Bonitaña): Official language of Bonitana, and one of the official languages of the Eastern Federal Republic
Dalkaisk (Dalkajsk/Далкайск): An official language of Dalkai, and the one spoken by the majority of Dalkaisk citizens and is related to Carthyan. Formerly written in the Cyrillic Script.
Catain (Orobrus): Official language of the Oscdean States alongside English, and derives from the Alphinian Language Tree, distinct from other Tauran languages such as Dalkaisk and Carthyan.
Carthyan (Kartiyas): An official language language of Dalkai spoken by a significant minority of the Dalkaisk population, particularly by the Carthyan and closely related Avenian peoples.
Avenian (Avinanur): A minority language of Dalkai formerly from the Kingdom of Avenia on Taurus. Very closely related to Carthyan.
Cantonese (廣東話): A formally official language in Novenae, and still used widely by Chinese diaspora.
German (Deutsch): An official language alongside English in Wiltshire, Arkanian Industries and the New Corporate Republic. All official documentation in Wiltshire will be offered in German upon request.
Tuviet (Tuvyetsk/Тувйетск): A creole originating from a mix of Dalkaisk-speaking peoples abroad (known officially as Tuviets) in English-speaking areas. Widely spoken is Vasla.
Marinian: An official language of Marino.
Sonkhramese: An official minority language of Marino, spoken largely in the Songkhram areas.