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{{Nation_infobox|title1 = Alphian State|image1 = AFflagIIBlue.png|caption1 = Flag of the Alphian State|full_name = Union of Alphian State|capital = Disclosed|government = Federation|head_of_state = N.F.R|population = 130,00 (From Two Worlds)|official_languages = Chatin}}The '''Alphian State''' consists of different fragmented cities that were eventually United under one banner. Today it runs as military-industrial complex with its inhabitants mainly consist of slimes and humans working together to achieve a common goal. The state runs on three words: Loyalty, Unity, and Tranquility as it believes that strength and power can be found through united efforts. Its power mainly lies in its ground and air forces, as they have been at war with different nations for many, many years.
{{CorpRP_Nation_Infobox|title1 = Oscdean State|image1 = AFflagIIBlue.png|caption1 = Flag of the Oscdean State, the seal of the two moons|image2 = Oscdeanseal2.png|caption2 = Oscdean Military Seal/Coat of Arms|full_name = Oscdean State|capital = [[The Narusada]] (Terra)
[[The Inorbacal]] (Uterna) (Main)|official_languages = Catain (Native)

Unlike most cities or nations, The entirety of the Alphian State revolves around its militaristic ideals. Citizens in the Federation serve for life that will contribute to the Federation. From Trade, Engineering, Communication, Relationship, and Service. Everyone is a soldier.
English (Foreign)|government = Unitary Council|head_of_state = [[Obveron Malkue Ysiu Equitum]]|population = 3,802,232 (Doggerland)

''Our Union is our Strength''
1,814,531 (Orcana)
1,533,125 (Uterna)
1,150,124 (Taurus as of 2099)|ethnic_groups = *Oscdeans (83%)
*Dalkai (9%)
*Carthyan (5%)
*Other (3%)|formation = 2229|demonym = Oscdean|image3 = Shkumbin-ferizi-area09.jpg|caption3 = Capital city of [[The Narusada]]}}
The '''Oscdean State''' (aus-de-ean) is an expansionist multi-planetary military power that originated from [[Taurus]]. The entirety of the state runs as a corporate military-industrial complex, with its inhabitants mainly conducting different services to keep the economy and the structure of the state stable. Embedded as a cultural norm, the entirety of the Oscdean State and the [[Oscdean]] people revolves around its militaristic ideologies, exploratory and archival knowledges, and corporate beliefs. Citizens in the State are often drafted into one of the three main military branches when they reach mid-adolescence.
Throughout its war-like history, A common belief is often held throughout the inhabitants of the state, that the words: Loyalty, Unity, and Tranquility is what keeps the state alive and running, even during the harshest of times.
Currently, The Oscdean States reside in three worlds- [[Terra]], [[Uterna]], and [[Orcana]]- with its main capital located in [[The Inorbacal]] on Uterna. 
''<code>We are the Oscdeans</code>''
''<code>We cut the mountains</code>''
''<code>We part the seas</code>''
''<code>We split the skies</code>''

== History ==
== History ==

=== Pre-Migration ===
=== From a Corporation to a Nation  ===
The State was once nothing but an Army Association. It was formed after the [[Attack on Lancaster]] as a attempt to fight back [[Russia]] and drive them out of the city of [[Lancaster]]. The Association later formed into Alpha's Military Association ([[AMA]]) and started to sell weapons as a corporation.
The present-day Oscdean State was born from the collapse of its ancient corporate predecessors. The origin roots of the state can be traced back to a weapons and arms manufacturers during the Daufuna era on Taurus, often supplying and selling arsenals to neighboring countries during the height of the [[Vezakena divide]].
However, war has reached its corporate sectors, resulting in a structural collapse of the corporation and leaving corporate survivors and defectors. Some were believed to have ran off and formed the rogue group known as [[The Ocanam Rangers]]. The main group retreated and rallied to the cold remote mountains of the Middle Continents and isolated themselves from the world. As time passed on, those in the middle continent grew their own society at a rapid and unchecked rate, and the people from a once civilized Tauran society merged with the more tribal inhabitants of the middle continents, the [[Ponaban]] people.  

=== AMA/AMF ===
The rise of Catain language and the society growing within the mountains begin to identify themselves as "Alphians", adopting strict military culture to prevent another collapse. Around 2216, the world took notice of a rising nation, and the Alphian Federation has evidently declared itself a global superpower in 2299 when the federation launched their first military ship, the [[Ceres Class]]
Months later the [[Corporation]] was destroyed by an invasion orchestrated by [[Haven]] and were eventually forced to build for them. The Invasion left scattered survivors and defectors. Some ran off and were never heard again, the remaing went to rebuild the Association, but eventually made a nation called [[AMF]].
[[File:OldAFflag.png|thumb|294x294px|Flag of the Alphian Federation used from 2200(Yutakai Era)-2821 (Tugreda Era)]]
During the long uprising against Sovokians, the Alphians turned into the present-day Oscdeans, overpowering most of the nations it came across, and adapting an expansionist culture. Due to classified reasons, the State left its home system along with other Tauran factions, and vowed to never return. This event and journey were eventually known as [[The Great Migration |The Great Migration]].

When the time came, AMF launched an attack on the haven mother base and took back AMA. That was the day the world knew the presence of AMF. Eventually, AMF and Haven faced off into a cold war until Haven disscipated and went inactive. This time gave AMF time to rebuild, and in 2099, AMF launched their first military ship, the [[Omur-I.]]
=== Great Migration ===
T<span class="">he State was on a moving pattern after it lost its homeworld due to classified reasons. Only 3 out of the 6 capital ships survived this Great Migration period across space. The Two Capital Ships: Exodus II-B and Exodus II-D split off from the migration fleet in a desperate attempt to settle down and rebuild while the research ship, Exodus-E, remained on Taurus to buy time for the retreating Exodus ships. They were not heard from again for years until a state radar picked up the transmission known as [[Echoing Regrets]].</span>

<nowiki> </nowiki>Eventually, AMF ruled over most of the nations it came across, expanding between different worlds. Due to unknown reasons, the Federation left its home system due to unknown reasons.
In 3010, A [[Unata Class ]]destroyer has detected a faint signature from a world that will later be known as [[Terra]], and informed the head of the Vindictus Ove. After much debate and research for 2 years, the entire fleet finally agreed to set down on this unknown world. After 6 years of traveling from the Proxmia system to Sol, they found themselves in a new lush and thriving planet. Eventually, A golden age of technological and societal advancement came by. Entire cities were built, science and research brought in new technologies that brought Tauruans the ability to live comfortably, and a place to call home.  

<span>Although recently, the Federation was on a moving pattern after it lost its homeworld due to unknown reasons. Only 3 out of the 5 capital ships survived this Great Migration period across dimensions. The Two Capital Ships: Exodus II-B and Exodus II-D split off from the migration fleet in a desperate attempt to settle down and rebuild. They were never heard again.</span>
=== The Writ of Faraum Gefari ===
Shortly after the [[Morsehead Conflagration]], the new acting OA initiated The Writ of Faraum Gefari to help boost the state's economy and morale as the war gave rise to the [[New Corporate Republic]]. The goal of the Writ was to take a spearhead approach to increase military production, expand cities, and open thousands of new jobs and opportunities for scattered Taurans moving to Oscdean territories.  

=== Post Migration ===
== Government ==
The Oscdean State runs on a system called the Tricuclor, where the entirety of the state's power resides in three council members that represent the 3 main branches of the State: Loyalty, Society, Military. The highest power resides in the  [[Arunam Obveron]], which represents the Yunihai/Loyalty branch and usually referred as an "OA" to Terrans. 
* Yunihai- Loyalty Branch (duty, commitment, service) (Arunam Obveron) 
* Aphini- Societal Branch (society, people, service) (Arunam Curptheron) 
* Toraum- Military Branch (might, power, vision) (Arunam Phadaleron) 
Each political pillar council member are branched out to two lower counselors and serve as advisors to the high council and the common councils.   
== Society ==
The Oscdean State are built entirely around their military and corporate capitalism beliefs. Most of their backbone structures are made up of mega-corporations, which provides most of the states militaristic, societal, and technological developments as well as sustaining city sector services.           
Oscdean cities are often split into districts as a way to maintain and balance the relationship between industrial sectors and living/social areas. These districts are rather large, and a single city can have as much as 3-4 districts in them. Examples of such districts in a city can be seen in [[Alphia]]; with districts such as the [[Fortuna District]], [[Toruma District]], [[Eban District]], and the [[Yortun District]] divided throughout the city. Most of the Oscdean population live in apartment complexes, or [[Erodams]], making suburbs somewhat unheard of in Oscdean society.           
Citizens who are born to the state are enlisted into the military once they reach early-mid adolescence, and serve until they reach their early adult years in one of the three main military branches and their respective sub-branches.           
=== Ritual of Runes ===

== Military ==
== Military ==
The State's Military lies on three branches: The '''Terram Auca''' for Ground, '''Vindictus Ove''' for Navy, and The '''Sadinan''' for Reconissance,
The military is by far the most renowned force of the Oscdean State.
Having a military-industrial complex society as a large part of its society, the Oscdeans often strive to be at the cutting edge of technology. The State has always maintained a wide and well equipped military force, mostly through its corporations and its ideologies, as well as the guidance of the Grand Panturion. A wide array of its militaristic power can be found on three official military branches:  
'''[[Toritu Arunen]]''' for Ground Forces
'''[[Vindictus Ove]]''' for Navy and air
'''[[Arivi]] '''for the state Militia
However, these military branches do not work independently from each other, and are  integrated into large groups known as Fractures, which each Fracture operating their own units from the respective branches. There are currently 9 known fractures across the Oscdean State.     
Orobaus Fracture [The Blue Fracture] - The largest Fracture in the Oscdean Empire, mostly operating where the capital of the Oscdean State is located.     
Unibac Fracture [Storm weavers] -Largest fracture that reside on Orcana, home to the second largest fleet.     
Kohibash Fracture [Mountain Giants] - Responsible for laying out foreign military complexes between different worlds.     
Nardium Fracture [Shield bearers] - The main defense fracture that contain most of the [[Arivi]] force.     
Beranu Fracture [Frost Giants] - Auxiliary fracture     
Alvorsian Fracture [Cloud Lancers] - Largest Fracture that reside on Uterna, home to the third largest fleet.       
Nul Torus Fracture [The Grey Fracture] - Fracture that is comprised of units across the 8 other fractures. Often assigned to alliances such as the [[International Defense Organization]].       
Verulus Fracture [Mist Gliders] - Elite fracture under the command of the [[Grand Panturion]], smallest fracture but comprised of highly trained units.     
Eulogi Fracture [Siege Breakers] - Fourth largest fracture in the State, comprised of both Tauran and Terran forces.     
== Corporate Backbone  ==
Oscdea is a heavily integrated capitalist society, with the state and corporations surviving on a symbiotic and mutualistic relationship. The State is heavily ran and fueled by 9 Mega Corporations. 
=== Praticals ===
* [[Volstun Mining]]
* [[Wenu-Eva Corporation]] 
* [[Halisayh Corporation]] 
* [[Mulovian Bank]]
=== Liberals ===
* [[Oscdean State Media Corporation|Oscdean State Media ]]
* [[Cadelus Corporation]]
=== Patriots ===
* [[Nodsium-Udai Corporation]]
* [[Unisah Corporation]]
* [[OSCO Corporation]]
== Seal Of The Two Moons ==
One of the most recognizable symbols of the Oscdean State is the Seal of the Two Moons. This seal commonly features a circle around a ring, and is to have originated from [[Ponaban]] symbology.
== Culture ==
'''Farum Alpiana ''[Anniversary]''- October 23rd'''
This date marks the founding when the legacy Alphian Federation declared its sovereignty to the rest of the world. Centuries later the Alphian Federation would evolve into the Oscdean State. On this day, the state goes through and recollects the most monumental pieces of its history and events, often celebrating major milestones.
'''Bleteru Olistuce [Winter Solstice] - December 11th to January 5th'''
This one month celebration of the Winter Solstice traces back to the Alphian founding back in the middle continents. Winter was harsh in the high mountains of the Porobus regions, and with the arrival of the AMA refugee, a mutualistic relationship slowly developed to help both sides survive. Over the years, it slowly became a cultural tradition as the Porobus people and the Corporate refugees slowly merged into present-day [[Oscdean]]. 
During this month, inhabitants would celebrate this tradition by welcoming a new year and a reflection of huge struggles through forms of huge gatherings, feasts in public spaces, sing songs, and sharing gifts and games. 
'''Nordum Tu Vindoctra '' [Independence Day]- ''February 11th''' 
In 2800, the Oscdean State, along with its allies revolted against the tyranny and expanding grasp of the [[SMG]] Hegemony. The resulting war known as [[The Red War]], ended with the deannexation of Oscdea, Dalkai, and Dark Angels from the SMG Union. 
The resulting victory and freedom that the Oscdean fought hard for eventually became known as “''Nordum Tu Vindoctra''” (Victory for Freedom), and was celebrated every year since the day when Oscdea left the union. On this day, citizens of the state would wear traditional [[Agravam Marks]] to symbolize freedom on themselves and gather at around the city to host parades and fireworks.
'''Indignis Rebarum ''[Memorial of the fallen]''- June 2nd to June 5th'''
Starting on the second day of June and the start of the summer solstice to the 8th, the Indignis Rebarum serves as a memorial day for the state to honor the fallen and the lost. A tradition to remember the giving and taking of life. During this time large bonfires are lit followed by heavy slow rhythmic drum beats from evening to midnight during those three days.
'''Valb Bavum Usio [The End of Skiff Season]- June 12th to June 20th'''
On the 12th of June of each year, citizens gather to celebrate unity and competition through the final days of '''Bavum Usio''', a traditional racing sport in Oscdean Culture. Each city district throughout Oscdea or a foreign state sends their final 2 racers to compete in a 3-8 day racing event, depending on how long each racer lasts till '''Valb Bavum Usio '''(Last race of the season).
[[File:248631.jpg|thumb|220x220px|''Above is a picture of Dragum Ad Volusius, a legendary Usio racer from 2781-286'']]
Racing is conducted through a skiff, a hoverbike like vehicle that can traverse mainly through terrain and the air. Racing tracks/courses often consist of urban environments, rough terrain, and intense flying. The event is highly sought after throughout Oscdea, as it gives its citizens time off work and duties to participate in celebrations and competitions in public or private spaces.

The Ground Branch-''Terram Auca-''Is the oldest military branch in the Federations history. Its vehicles ranged from heavy armors, light mobility forces, and artillery support. It is usually backed by the ''Notitana.'' 
== Trivia ==
''1. Chocolate has become a prime commodity ever since the arrival to Terra. This treat has become popular to give each other during the Winter Solsitce''

The Naval branch-''Vindictus Ove-''Is the Federations superiority, as it has went under many revisions in the past years. Ships such as the [[Ceres-I]] and the [[Omur-III]] are the Navy's backbone in many frontal offensives. Behind it all is the [[Exdous-II]], the Federations flagship. 
''2. Narusada and Avalon is also nicknamed "The Ragdolls  Paradise" due to the uncontrollable population of stray cats living among the citys complexes''

The Reconissance Branch- ''Notitana-''Is the intelligence/reconnissance branch of the Federation. It ranges from a wide variety of sub branches and usually backs both the ''Terram Auca ''and the ''Vindictus Ove. ''    
''3. Every Oscdean ship or plane in the [[Vindictus Ove]] store protected boxes of [[Naritash]] seeds throughout its hull. In the event that they crash on land, the boxes will explode and spread the seeds around the wreckage. After a few weeks blue and purple Naritash ferns would grow over and around the wreckage. This tradition was carried from the Ponabans, where they would spread these seeds around a deceased vessel to signify its final resting place.''

== Alliances ==
''4. Oscdea has 3 widely spoken languages: Catain (Iorobrus, Main), Poradu (Northern) and then Lora-nultor (Slang). Lora-Nultor is fully compromised of slangs and curses, as foul language is considered a form of art in some sub cultures.''

== Wars ==
5. ''Oscdea's military is a matriarchy.''

===The Great Hunt ===
6. ''Most of Oscdea runs on solar energy commonly harvested from 'solar branches' in orbit.''
It was unknown that during that time in 2103, a faction made of rogue militants formed [[NCR Republic.]] They ransacked towns and smaller factions where ever they went. Eventually, they unknowingly trespassed into the AMF research base in [[Slokia]]. This trespasing made AMF aware of their presence, and began to hunt [[NCR]] bases. This was also the time where the [[Omur-I]] first saw military action. In 2109, NCR fell and the last of its bases were dismantled.

=== Operation Publeo ===
Operation Publeo was a desert campaign done by the ''Notitana ''in 2105. The Operation was a conflict against [[Floor's Publeo's]] in order to shutdown the rising drug economy in the [[Arcabis Desert.]]

=== Liberation of Genasis ===
<br />
In 2119, a city belonging to the [[Dalkai]] Republic was lost after a military staged invasion done by [[SMG]]. The city was held under SMG control for 4 years until the [[UDF]] alliance realized the importance of the city. Later that year, The State and [[Dalkai]] Republic launched a suprise attack on the city, with Alphian ships chocking the airspace and Dalkaian troops entering the city to ensure a swift takeover.
<u>Picture of the Federations ''Terram Auca'' TA-40 fighting in the city</u>
[[Category:National Government]]

Latest revision as of 16:20, 20 August 2024

The Oscdean State (aus-de-ean) is an expansionist multi-planetary military power that originated from Taurus. The entirety of the state runs as a corporate military-industrial complex, with its inhabitants mainly conducting different services to keep the economy and the structure of the state stable. Embedded as a cultural norm, the entirety of the Oscdean State and the Oscdean people revolves around its militaristic ideologies, exploratory and archival knowledges, and corporate beliefs. Citizens in the State are often drafted into one of the three main military branches when they reach mid-adolescence.

Throughout its war-like history, A common belief is often held throughout the inhabitants of the state, that the words: Loyalty, Unity, and Tranquility is what keeps the state alive and running, even during the harshest of times.

Currently, The Oscdean States reside in three worlds- Terra, Uterna, and Orcana- with its main capital located in The Inorbacal on Uterna.

We are the Oscdeans

We cut the mountains

We part the seas

We split the skies


From a Corporation to a Nation

The present-day Oscdean State was born from the collapse of its ancient corporate predecessors. The origin roots of the state can be traced back to a weapons and arms manufacturers during the Daufuna era on Taurus, often supplying and selling arsenals to neighboring countries during the height of the Vezakena divide.

However, war has reached its corporate sectors, resulting in a structural collapse of the corporation and leaving corporate survivors and defectors. Some were believed to have ran off and formed the rogue group known as The Ocanam Rangers. The main group retreated and rallied to the cold remote mountains of the Middle Continents and isolated themselves from the world. As time passed on, those in the middle continent grew their own society at a rapid and unchecked rate, and the people from a once civilized Tauran society merged with the more tribal inhabitants of the middle continents, the Ponaban people.

The rise of Catain language and the society growing within the mountains begin to identify themselves as "Alphians", adopting strict military culture to prevent another collapse. Around 2216, the world took notice of a rising nation, and the Alphian Federation has evidently declared itself a global superpower in 2299 when the federation launched their first military ship, the Ceres Class

Flag of the Alphian Federation used from 2200(Yutakai Era)-2821 (Tugreda Era)

During the long uprising against Sovokians, the Alphians turned into the present-day Oscdeans, overpowering most of the nations it came across, and adapting an expansionist culture. Due to classified reasons, the State left its home system along with other Tauran factions, and vowed to never return. This event and journey were eventually known as The Great Migration.

Great Migration

The State was on a moving pattern after it lost its homeworld due to classified reasons. Only 3 out of the 6 capital ships survived this Great Migration period across space. The Two Capital Ships: Exodus II-B and Exodus II-D split off from the migration fleet in a desperate attempt to settle down and rebuild while the research ship, Exodus-E, remained on Taurus to buy time for the retreating Exodus ships. They were not heard from again for years until a state radar picked up the transmission known as Echoing Regrets.

In 3010, A Unata Class destroyer has detected a faint signature from a world that will later be known as Terra, and informed the head of the Vindictus Ove. After much debate and research for 2 years, the entire fleet finally agreed to set down on this unknown world. After 6 years of traveling from the Proxmia system to Sol, they found themselves in a new lush and thriving planet. Eventually, A golden age of technological and societal advancement came by. Entire cities were built, science and research brought in new technologies that brought Tauruans the ability to live comfortably, and a place to call home.

The Writ of Faraum Gefari

Shortly after the Morsehead Conflagration, the new acting OA initiated The Writ of Faraum Gefari to help boost the state's economy and morale as the war gave rise to the New Corporate Republic. The goal of the Writ was to take a spearhead approach to increase military production, expand cities, and open thousands of new jobs and opportunities for scattered Taurans moving to Oscdean territories.


The Oscdean State runs on a system called the Tricuclor, where the entirety of the state's power resides in three council members that represent the 3 main branches of the State: Loyalty, Society, Military. The highest power resides in the Arunam Obveron, which represents the Yunihai/Loyalty branch and usually referred as an "OA" to Terrans.

  • Yunihai- Loyalty Branch (duty, commitment, service) (Arunam Obveron)
  • Aphini- Societal Branch (society, people, service) (Arunam Curptheron)
  • Toraum- Military Branch (might, power, vision) (Arunam Phadaleron)

Each political pillar council member are branched out to two lower counselors and serve as advisors to the high council and the common councils.


The Oscdean State are built entirely around their military and corporate capitalism beliefs. Most of their backbone structures are made up of mega-corporations, which provides most of the states militaristic, societal, and technological developments as well as sustaining city sector services.

Oscdean cities are often split into districts as a way to maintain and balance the relationship between industrial sectors and living/social areas. These districts are rather large, and a single city can have as much as 3-4 districts in them. Examples of such districts in a city can be seen in Alphia; with districts such as the Fortuna District, Toruma District, Eban District, and the Yortun District divided throughout the city. Most of the Oscdean population live in apartment complexes, or Erodams, making suburbs somewhat unheard of in Oscdean society.

Citizens who are born to the state are enlisted into the military once they reach early-mid adolescence, and serve until they reach their early adult years in one of the three main military branches and their respective sub-branches.

Ritual of Runes


The military is by far the most renowned force of the Oscdean State.

Having a military-industrial complex society as a large part of its society, the Oscdeans often strive to be at the cutting edge of technology. The State has always maintained a wide and well equipped military force, mostly through its corporations and its ideologies, as well as the guidance of the Grand Panturion. A wide array of its militaristic power can be found on three official military branches:

Toritu Arunen for Ground Forces

Vindictus Ove for Navy and air

Arivi for the state Militia

However, these military branches do not work independently from each other, and are integrated into large groups known as Fractures, which each Fracture operating their own units from the respective branches. There are currently 9 known fractures across the Oscdean State.

Orobaus Fracture [The Blue Fracture] - The largest Fracture in the Oscdean Empire, mostly operating where the capital of the Oscdean State is located.

Unibac Fracture [Storm weavers] -Largest fracture that reside on Orcana, home to the second largest fleet.

Kohibash Fracture [Mountain Giants] - Responsible for laying out foreign military complexes between different worlds.

Nardium Fracture [Shield bearers] - The main defense fracture that contain most of the Arivi force.

Beranu Fracture [Frost Giants] - Auxiliary fracture

Alvorsian Fracture [Cloud Lancers] - Largest Fracture that reside on Uterna, home to the third largest fleet.

Nul Torus Fracture [The Grey Fracture] - Fracture that is comprised of units across the 8 other fractures. Often assigned to alliances such as the International Defense Organization.

Verulus Fracture [Mist Gliders] - Elite fracture under the command of the Grand Panturion, smallest fracture but comprised of highly trained units.

Eulogi Fracture [Siege Breakers] - Fourth largest fracture in the State, comprised of both Tauran and Terran forces.

Corporate Backbone

Oscdea is a heavily integrated capitalist society, with the state and corporations surviving on a symbiotic and mutualistic relationship. The State is heavily ran and fueled by 9 Mega Corporations.




Seal Of The Two Moons

One of the most recognizable symbols of the Oscdean State is the Seal of the Two Moons. This seal commonly features a circle around a ring, and is to have originated from Ponaban symbology.


Farum Alpiana [Anniversary]- October 23rd

This date marks the founding when the legacy Alphian Federation declared its sovereignty to the rest of the world. Centuries later the Alphian Federation would evolve into the Oscdean State. On this day, the state goes through and recollects the most monumental pieces of its history and events, often celebrating major milestones.

Bleteru Olistuce [Winter Solstice] - December 11th to January 5th

This one month celebration of the Winter Solstice traces back to the Alphian founding back in the middle continents. Winter was harsh in the high mountains of the Porobus regions, and with the arrival of the AMA refugee, a mutualistic relationship slowly developed to help both sides survive. Over the years, it slowly became a cultural tradition as the Porobus people and the Corporate refugees slowly merged into present-day Oscdean.

During this month, inhabitants would celebrate this tradition by welcoming a new year and a reflection of huge struggles through forms of huge gatherings, feasts in public spaces, sing songs, and sharing gifts and games.

Nordum Tu Vindoctra [Independence Day]- February 11th

In 2800, the Oscdean State, along with its allies revolted against the tyranny and expanding grasp of the SMG Hegemony. The resulting war known as The Red War, ended with the deannexation of Oscdea, Dalkai, and Dark Angels from the SMG Union.

The resulting victory and freedom that the Oscdean fought hard for eventually became known as “Nordum Tu Vindoctra” (Victory for Freedom), and was celebrated every year since the day when Oscdea left the union. On this day, citizens of the state would wear traditional Agravam Marks to symbolize freedom on themselves and gather at around the city to host parades and fireworks.

Indignis Rebarum [Memorial of the fallen]- June 2nd to June 5th

Starting on the second day of June and the start of the summer solstice to the 8th, the Indignis Rebarum serves as a memorial day for the state to honor the fallen and the lost. A tradition to remember the giving and taking of life. During this time large bonfires are lit followed by heavy slow rhythmic drum beats from evening to midnight during those three days.

Valb Bavum Usio [The End of Skiff Season]- June 12th to June 20th

On the 12th of June of each year, citizens gather to celebrate unity and competition through the final days of Bavum Usio, a traditional racing sport in Oscdean Culture. Each city district throughout Oscdea or a foreign state sends their final 2 racers to compete in a 3-8 day racing event, depending on how long each racer lasts till Valb Bavum Usio (Last race of the season).

Above is a picture of Dragum Ad Volusius, a legendary Usio racer from 2781-286

Racing is conducted through a skiff, a hoverbike like vehicle that can traverse mainly through terrain and the air. Racing tracks/courses often consist of urban environments, rough terrain, and intense flying. The event is highly sought after throughout Oscdea, as it gives its citizens time off work and duties to participate in celebrations and competitions in public or private spaces.



1. Chocolate has become a prime commodity ever since the arrival to Terra. This treat has become popular to give each other during the Winter Solsitce

2. Narusada and Avalon is also nicknamed "The Ragdolls Paradise" due to the uncontrollable population of stray cats living among the citys complexes

3. Every Oscdean ship or plane in the Vindictus Ove store protected boxes of Naritash seeds throughout its hull. In the event that they crash on land, the boxes will explode and spread the seeds around the wreckage. After a few weeks blue and purple Naritash ferns would grow over and around the wreckage. This tradition was carried from the Ponabans, where they would spread these seeds around a deceased vessel to signify its final resting place.

4. Oscdea has 3 widely spoken languages: Catain (Iorobrus, Main), Poradu (Northern) and then Lora-nultor (Slang). Lora-Nultor is fully compromised of slangs and curses, as foul language is considered a form of art in some sub cultures.

5. Oscdea's military is a matriarchy.

6. Most of Oscdea runs on solar energy commonly harvested from 'solar branches' in orbit.
