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The Rupture (2042-2115) was a catastrophic series of civilization destroying events on Taurus that took place as a result of a coronal mass ejection and super-volcano erupting within 6 years of eachother. The result of this event was near reversal of most technological progress achieved in the last 400 years, as well as a near complete destruction of food production as a result of the volcanic winter.
The Rupture started with the Huliner Solar Storm, and was later intensified by the Bombora Eruption.
Huliner Solar Storm
The Huliner Solar Storm (April 4, 2042) was a coronal mass ejection (CME) from Taurus's home star, Epsilon Thea. The sheer amounts of electromagnetic radiation from this release caused widespread damage to technological systems and grids on Taurus. This effectively reversed civilization on the planet to a pre-industrial revolutionary state. Massive reconstruction efforts would be needed to reverse the effect of the CME.
Bombora Eruption
Bombora, a supervolcano located in the Holomdian continent, erupted on August 1, 2048, which led to a near obliteration of civilization on the continent, as well as plunging the recovering planet into a volcanic winter. Average temperatures dropped an average of 10 centigrade following the event. Food production was nearly completely halted as a result of ash cover and colder temperatures.
As a result of rapid food shortages and ruin throughout most of Taurus's nations, mass unrest and deaths occured as a result. This led to a massive die-off of pre-Rupture civilizations and led to an emergence of new nations and conflicts.
The effects of the volcanic winter led to a large short-term drop in global temperatures, with a more long-term drop in temperature persisting for about 1000 years afterwards. This caused the poles to freeze over as well as large glaciers forming around the planet. Prior to the Rupture, the temperate climate rendered even the poles inhabitable.
Global sea levels also dropped, with historic seas in the continents of Rombia and Itretar drying up, leaving salt-flats and minor rivers to this day.
Holomdia, the site of the supervolcanic eruption was also rendered uninhabitable due to both the immense amounts of ash and destruction, as well as long-term ice sheets and glaciers that formed post-Rapture.