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Rhys Arwen Bennett (born 16 December 2970), commonly known as Rab Bennett, is a Wiltshirian politician and businessman who is currently serving as Chancellor of the Exchequer as a member of the Stability Party. First elected to the Wiltshire National Assembly at the September 3021 general election, Bennett became a figure within the fiscally conservative element of the party. A quiet Crawleyite, Bennett rose to the ranks within the Economy & Culture subcommittees. Upon Mario Giordano's election as Prime Minister in September 3022, Bennett was appointed to the position of Minister of State for Culture, Media, and Sport. In the role, Bennett began work on a new set of broadcasting guidelines for sugary and unhealthy product advertisement.
In late November, however, his work was cut short when he resigned as Culture Minister over the leadership of Mario Giordano. Mr. Bennett said that Giordano's leadership had become a "distraction" and that he had lost the confidence of the Wiltshire National Assembly. During his brief stint out of government, Bennett campaigned for Giordano's resignation and then, eventually, the election of Grace Daines as his replacement. Upon her election as Prime Minister, Daines appointed Bennett as Chancellor of the Exchequer.
As Chancellor, Bennett introduced a replacement budget in order to continue government spending into the new year, 3023. The budget included a significant amount of "efficiency savings", as well as tax cuts.