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Lucius Helmut Roberto Adenauer is a Wiltshirian religious leader, philanthropist and politician who is currently acting as the Leader of the Christian Alliance Party of Wiltshire. Adenauer sits as a member of the Wiltshire National Assembly, having been elected in the February 3020 Wiltshire Legislative Elections. Prior to this, he had previously served as a Conservative member of the National Assembly between 3014 and 3016.
Adenauer's election was mostly due to his status as a leader of Wiltshire's minority religious (mostly Christian) population. Before being elected to the National Assembly, he served as the leader of the North Walkerton Congregation and as executive chairman of the Wiltshirian charity Christian Aid and as an advisor to UNICEF.
Early life
Adenauer grew up in a religious home, attending two Ecclesian-boarding schools between 2962 and 2970. Following this, he attended the University of Berlin and achieved a strong first class degree in Theology and History. Adenauer returned to the Doggerlands in 2976 as apart of the Bridget Protests. The protests were caused by economic discontent, however were deeply rooted in distrust of Federation-aliens. Adenauer penned an opinion-piece in the Washington Post in 2979 arguing against the reformation of the United Federation of Planets, arguing that such a reformation would "place Terra firmly in the hands of Vulcan and Andoria once again".
While Adenauer was associated with bigoted views towards aliens as a member of the Bridget Protests, he often spoke out against violence and many of the intimidation tactics used by Bridget protestors. Eventually, in 2981, Adenauer denounced the Bridget Protests and protestors following the events of Bloody Friday and the massacre of thirteen alien citizens.
In 2986, Adenauer started working for UNICEF, and remained an employee for the organization until 3013. To this day, he remains a UNICEF ambassador and often speaks and raises money for the organization. During his time, he acted as an advisor to the leadership of the organization and authored a number of studies into childhood development. Adenauer also led the Children's Rights Project which saw children all across the world, both Terran and alien, of their human rights.
His career at UNICEF introduced him to his wife, Matilda Adenauer. In addition, they both migrated to Wiltshire in 3005 to work with the local UNICEF branch for the Doggerland.
Life in Wiltshire
When Adenauer moved to Wiltshire, he was horrified by the state of religious freedom in the proudly proclaimed "free and liberal society" of Wiltshire. He noted the lack of religious houses, as well as open discrimination by many secularists towards the religious minority. Adenauer saw this as an injustice and worked, with his wife, to open the North Walkerton Congregation.
In addition, he left his role at UNICEF to work with Christian Aid, a charity that had little involvement in Wiltshire. Adenauer took the leadership of the Doggerland Branch of the charity in 3013 and actively increased its involvement in Wiltshire. During the period 3013 - 3019, the Charity increased its work in Wiltshire by 200% and the charity was vital in saving lifes and homes during the Hurricane Sarina disaster of late 3019.
Political career

In 3014, Adenauer was nominated by her congregation to run for the open seat on the Wiltshire National Assembly for North Walkerton East. Adenauer hadn't professed political opinions since his youth, and so decided to run with the Conservative Party (at this time led by Prime Minister Martin Banks). In his election, he faced off against Socialist incumbent Meir MΓΌhlbach. Adenauer, by all accounts, ran an exceptional campaign. His support from the congregation helped him rally the community and was able to win the seat, defeating MΓΌhlbach.
Adenauer entered the National Assembly and served as a backbencher, getting re-elected twice. He served mostly as a part-time politician, retaining his role within his local congregation. However, he lost his seat during the 3016 Socialist Party landslide, which saw Frank Eddington elected Prime Minister.
Following his defeat, Adenauer returned to Walkerton and continued his work with Christian Aid. This turned out to be incredibly worthwhile when, in late 3019, Hurricane Sarina hit Wiltshire and the eastern Doggerland. Christian Aid's network (thanks to Adenauer's work) was able to assist in saving lives.
After Wiltshire's independence from the New Corporate Republic, Adenauer once again stood as a candidate for the National Assembly, now under the newly formed Liberal Conservative Party.