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Lavay Damila

From TCH Archive
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Lavay Damila, (Dalkaisk: Lavaj Damjila), or Lusxe Gauwxcip (Gerbian name) was the leader of the Dalkaisk Revolution against SMG, and the first Prime Minister of Dalkai.

Sxu pę Delkcaisx u selxue . Liuwvo vesxu p'lezxosta pox lecip uva-u gxelimensxa. Pęwxlfki vesxu zxte vawtxęca uvax selextafa cipxe. (Gerbian)

You cannot eliminate the Dalkaisk People. Your weapons won't erase our culture, nor will your oppressive hands silence our voices. (English)

— Lavay Damila to SMG Leader Sa-Votxel Gebreol



A young Dalkaisk man from a farmer family outside of modern Nankai named Lavay Damila formed an underground left-leaning Dalkai Independence group called the Damilists. The Damilists grew in number on the continent of Reicala until the Nankai Incident, where thousands of suspected Damilists and Dalkaisk in general we massacred in the streets of Nankai by SMG forces. Tens of Thousands of Dalkaisk and Carthyans were subsequently evicted and murdered all over SMG as a backlash against the Damilist rise.

Damila defected the country into the Oscdean State, where he lived in exile. During this time, tensions between the Dalkaisk population and the SMG government was continuously rising, until a Damilist riot broke out in 2609 during a military speech by the Gerbian mayor of Nankai, often cited as the beginning of the Dalkaisk Revolution. After 7 months in exile, Damila returned to lead the Damilist forces in the revolution.

Damilist forces occupied most of Central Southern Reicala, and mainly fought in Western Reicala, with the SMG forces operating out of Northridge (or Nordridzh) in the Northeast, and Damilist forces from Pychezskov Port in the Southeast. The fighting ended when Damilist forces, on the icy outskirts of Northridge, surrounded SMG General Tort Crazen, forcing his surrender. The Pychezskov Treaty was signed after the fighting, ensuring the creation of a New Dalkaisk state on Reicala, with SMG keeping land in the Northeast around Northridge.


Lavay established the Proletarian Republic of Dalkai on February 25th, 2616. Dalkaisk and Carthyan were established as the official languages, and various markets were nationalized. Damila also oversaw a significant exodus of Carthyans, and to a lesser extent, Dalkaisk, to the new nation from countries under the SMG Hegemony. Dalkai was also partaking in mutual suspicions with SMG, which lasted far beyond his death.