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Sentosa is a city located within the New Corporate Republic, on the eastern side of the Doggerlands. The city, once regarded for its diversity and modern architecture is now synonymous with the adjacent C.E. Nuclear Center, and moreover as one of the most important precincts in the present-day NCR.

Daokan History


Founded in 3016 by Niyo Quarts, Sentosa was originally designed (alongside Lorikeet) as a safe haven for Daokans seeking safety from the tyranny unfolding within the British Monarchical Clique. Sentosa was the main destination of migrants coming from cities such as the Sicilies and Crystallis. The essence of these two cities were entrenched in Sentosa, with many architects from Crystallis in particular playing a large role in the development of the city center. The city also received a large influx of immigrants coming from the prime Daokan cities of Neotokyo and Okinawa. The recognition of Daokan presence in Sentosa led to the opening of the Daokan Archive in the city's core in late 2017. As such, Sentosa acted as one of two hubs for Daokan culture in the Doggerlands.


Having begun with a boom period, Sentosa was praised as being a successful image of city development in the Doggerlands. However, the notable flaw in Sentosa's city plan was that of it's isolationism. The Daokan government of Sentosa ran the city independently, without interference from outside sources. Later that year, the sitting Liberal Party government announced plans to scrap the contemporary, human-run Sentosa Police Dept. with a robotic, modern police force. However, with Sentosa many years behind other nations, the city state did not have the capacity to create these for themselves. This lack of capacity lead to the government endorsed involvement of Chisel Enterprises, who had radical plans for the policing of the city. Implementation of the C.E. robotic police force was extremely controversial- many had taken to the streets in protest of the new police force. However, it was the Liberal Party's decision to prorogue parliament in light of these issues that caused the most anger in Sentosa, following a 172 day deadlock between the main parties. In this time, crime increased and many Sentosans and Daokans emigrated from the country to surrounding nations such as Wiltshire and Washington. This period is often referred to as the 'Abandonment', and is regarded as the period wherein the Daokans lost control of the nation.

NCR History