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His Holiness took office in 3016 and is now entering his fourth year as Pontifex of Ecclesia and leader of the Church. He is 64 years old, meaning he was elected at the final age before being legally unable to be elected Pontifex.
Pontifex Rokossovsky's name by birth is Aleksandr Rokossovsky. His Holiness chose to keep his original last name as his regal name. This practice is uncommon, though not entirely rare. Many Pontificates will choose to hold their Slavic name in office to preserve and present the prowess of Slavic descent. It is however the first instance of a Pontifex using this name.
Prior to being elected Pontifex, Aleksandr Rokossovsky entered the seminary at age 18 and was ordained at age 23. He became Auxillary Bishop rather young, at age 30, and led the faithful for several decades. Upon the death of the late Pontifex, Rokossovsky, aged 60, was elected to the throne.
The Pontifex suffered a heart attack on 2/15 of this year, leaving many citizens worried of future health issues for the sovereign.