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Antonio P. Tiger
Template:Infobox characterAntonio Phillip Tiger (Born June 4th, 2989) is a Pantherian that came from Pantheria and evacuated as a refugee to Terra. Tiger was the only one to more than 2 offical terms in Bonitañian office. And is current President of Bonitaña.
Education Background
Tiger attended Bonitaña State University to get his degrees in Politics(PhD), Law(J.D), Economics(Masters) and, General Engineering(Masters).
Before going to University, Tiger had education at Snowia Scholar School where he graduated top of his class.
History of Tiger before moving to Terra
Tiger grew up in the capitol of Snowia, one of the most developed and safest cities in all of Pantheria. He was born into a middle class family in a decent home of Snowia in the WealthStar District. When Tiger was 17, the Grand Civil War started. He was only starting his career as a policitian in Snowia, and a year later at the age of 18, the Junglian Tigers breached the Snowia Capital Walls. Tiger was able to escape through some terrans he found in the Taiga willing to take him to Terra.
History of Tiger after moving to Terra
Once Tiger arrived at Terra, he was welcomed by Chisel Enterprise Scientists who did tests to see how a Tiger can be so humanlike. After taking courses and classes and realizing how talented Tiger was. C.E took him to be the new President of Bonitaña. Tiger went on to expand Bonitaña by buying Lorikeet and Sci_City. But then elections came and Tiger decided to let Mechadybe council come in as leader. After his short term break, Tiger came back into presidency only owning Bonitaña and Lorikeet lands. Now Tiger has expanded the Bonitaña lands and making it more developed. Tiger is about to run for his 3rd election soon..