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United Federation of Planets

From TCH Archive
Revision as of 16:58, 9 March 2020 by imported>NFGrandTarkin

The United Federation of Planets, or more commonly known as the [Terran] Federation, or UFP, was an interstellar nation state that was comprised, at it's height, of over 100 planets, led by Terra. The United Federation of Planets had two tenures of extistence; 2161 (signing of the Federation Charter) until 2340 (the establishment of the Terran Empire) and then later in 2985 (the re-signing of the Federation Charter) until 2998 (with the end of the Fed-CE War).

The Federation was a peacekeeping organisation that had massive influence in the galaxy. At her height, she ruled 110 planets and 2.1 trillion people. The Federation was the height humanity ever reached and has yet to be beaten to this day. However, following a coup in 2340, the Federation was dissolved and the Terran and Andorian Star Empire was established under Empress Lena Juan Neffrititi, first of her name.

History of Presidents

First Federation (2161 until 2340)

No. Presidency President Party Homeworld Election(s) Notes
1 2161 until 2173 David R. Mixer Independent Vulcan 2162



Died in Starship crash, 2173
2 2173 until 2175 Thomas E. Dix Federalist Earth 2174 Assumed office following Mixer's death. Resigned following his wife and daughter's death in 2175.
3 2175 until 2178 Donald Roosevelt Federalist Earth N/A Last Federalist President. First incumbent President to lose election.
4 2178 until 2190 Thomas Eddie Democratic Earth 2178



First Democratic President. First openly gay President.
5 2190 until 2198 Francis U. James Democratic Earth 2190


Eddie's Vice President. First wartime President (the Otto Wars (2195 until 2198). First President to be assassinated.
6 2198 Donald B. Baxter Democratic Earth N/A James' Vice President. Assumed office following James' assassination. Shortest Presidency, only 2 months (James was assassinated 5 days before the 2198 election).
7 2198 until 2206 Margaret Daisy Republican Vulcan 2198


Unopposed election following James' death in 2198. First Republican President. First Female President. Lost re-election in 2206.
8 2206 until 2213 Brodah Democratic Alpha Centuri 2206


Wartime President (First Borg War). Assassinated following victory in war in 2213 along with his Vice President. Speaker of the House of Representatives succeeded him.
9 2213 until 2218 Dayl'ah Republican Vulcan 2214 Assumed office following Brodah's assassination. Lost Republican nomination and then re-election in 2218.
10 2218 until 2222 Lucy Marie Republican Earth 2218 Lost Republican nomination in 2222
11 2222 until 2230 Richard Wayne Republican Earth 2222


Extremely famous and wealthy person. First President to have never held elected office prior to Presidency.
12 2230 until 2232 Phillip Coulson Democratic Earth 2230 Former SHIELD Director. Resigned following losing sanity in 2232.
13 2232 until 2238 Grand Tarkin Democratic Earth 2234


Assumed office following Coulson's resignation. Resign himself after re-election scandal in 2238.
14 2238 until 2242 Edward Steinbauer Republican Earth N/A Assumed office following Tarkin's resignation. First Corporate Leader to serve as President. First President to be impeached and removed from office after attempting to have the Speaker of the House assassinated.
15 2242 Frederick Bowser Democratic Musrad N/A Assumed office following Steinbauer's impeachment and removal in 2242. Served until election.
16 2242 until 2246 Elizabeth Tarkin Democratic Earth 2242 Daughter of Former President Grand Tarkin. Lost Democratic nomination in 2246.
17 2246 until 2250 Steh'por Democratic Andoria 2246 Suffered from a stroke in 2249. Did not seek re-election.
18 2250 until 2266 Peter Augustus Hague Republican Tellar 2250




Served 16 years as President. Longest serving President in Federation history.
19 2266 until 2271 Geor Kaputch Democratic Betazed 2266


Died in office of natural causes.
20 2271 until 2278 Julian Wang Democratic Earth 2274 Assumed office following Kaputch's death.
21 2278 until 2286 Dar'well Republican Andoria 2278


First of the Andorian Brothers.
22 2286 until 2294 Feb'erath Republican Andoria 2286


Second of the Andorian Brothers.
23 2294 until 2298 Lib'erak Republican Andoria 2294 Last of the Andorian Brothers. The only Andorian brother to lose re-election.
24 2298 until 2306 Hikaru Sulu Democratic Earth 2298


Former Captain of the U.S.S. Excelsior.
25 2306 until 2314 Andrew Kurtz Republican Earth 2306


Tallest recorded President at 6"6'.
26 2314 until 2318 Zachary Hudson Democratic Lunar 2314 First and only President to have been born on a moon.
27 2318 until 2326 Tyrell Biggs Republican Mars 2318


First Black President.
28 2326 until 2333 Nanietta Bacco Democratic Cestus III 2326


Resigned following corruption scandal.
29 2333 until 2334 Chadwick Secarus Democratic Earth N/A Assumed office following Bacco's resignation. Would serve until his resignation due to ill-health in the face of the Second Borg War.
30 2334 until 2340 Robbert Teck Independent Neptune 2234


Assumed office following Secarus' resignation (due to poor health). Wartime President during the Second Borg War. Last President of the First Federation, was deposed and replaced by the Terran and Andorian Star Empire.

Second Federation (2985 until 2998)

No. Presidency President Party Homeworld Election(s) Notes
31 2985 until 2989 Aennik Okeg Republican Sauria 2985 First President of the Second Federation.
32 2989 until 2993 Grand Tarkin Democratic Earth 2989


First President to serve two non-consecutive terms. Only President to serve under both the first and second Federation. Killed in 2993, causing the outbreak of the Federation/C.E. War
33 2993 until 2998 Jaresh Inyo Republican Graxziella 2997 Wartime President during the Federation/C.E. War. Last ever President of the United Federation of Planets.