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Edward (Edward Christian; born 16 August 2973) is King of Lancastria since the abdication of his father, William II, on 24 June 3022 during the Aleksandran Rebellion. Edward was coronated at St. Michael's Cathedral on 10 November 3022, making him the first Lancastrian monarch to be coronated as King following the reorganisation of the Second Kingdom of Lancastria.
As the eldest son of Prince William, Duke of Rochester, Edward was born towards the end of the reign of his great-grandfather, William I. Originally set to be named Christian after his mother's Nordic heritage, King William I decreed that the new prince be named Edward, in the tradition of the House of Labrador. Edward was baptised as Edward Christian. Upon the death of his great-grandfather in 2978, Edward's grandfather ascended to the throne as Charles II and his father, William, became Crown Prince and heir. Throughout the reign of Charles II, Edward was educated in constitutional affairs and military history. At the age of 18, he joined the Lancastrian Royal Navy and worked his way to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. In 2987, Charles II died, making Edward's father the new King of Lancastria. Edward became Crown Prince.
Edward left the Navy in 2995 by order of his father, the King, due to the impending Federation/C.E. War. Edward initially resisted the King's command but eventually relented. He moved back to the Court and married Lady X of X. Edward and X had four children: Victoria, Eloise, Margaret, and Catherine. As Crown Prince, Edward supported his father through the migration to the Doggerlands and oversaw the construction of the Europa Palace at Mirkwood. Edward grew close relationships with many of his father's ministers, including Prime Ministers Anthony Pavel, Harrison Rhodes, and Logan Pawlowski.
During the War of the Balancin Succession in 3021, Edward was vocal in support of the Maekar banners and Queen Mary of the Rock. Historians attribute King William's support of the Maekar cause to private lobbying from Edward, who saw the Rock's potential for greater constitutional monarchical collaboration. Following Queen Mary's abdication in 3022, Edward confirmed that Mary would move to the Europa Palace to live alongside his family.
In 3022, at the outbreak of the Lancastrian Civil War, the attack on the Europa Palace caused significant damage to the health of the King. Edward was crucial to the defence of Mirkwood during the attacks, helping organise evacuation efforts and rallying the security services on the ground. During the crisis, King William II abdicated the throne to Edward, in an attempt to ensure strong leadership during the crisis which saw the incapacitation of William and the Liberal Prime Minister, Logan Pawlowski. Edward immediately ascended to the throne as Edward I, assuming executive authority over the government of Lancastria during the crisis and the succeeding Lancastrian Civil War.
Edward's direct rule of Lancastria ended with the 3022 general election, which saw Claire Hau elected as Prime Minister under the Labour Party. Edward appointed Hau to become the first asian Prime Minister in Lancastrian history.