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The Swiftridgian Expanse is a nation with a militaristic society that spans across several planets, outposts and strongholds on three systems with its administration located and centralised on the planet of Severo, a continental world located in the Severus system. A large metropolis is located on the world with many parts of the city divided into districts with a classifications such as, Agri-District, Forge-District, Civilian-District, Bureaucratic-District and Capital-District designated to each segment of the city.
The entirety of the expanse is govern by a single authoritarian regime with absolute power vested into a dictator known as the Lord Castel.
The Stellar Exodus
In 2299, the rising nation of the Alphian Federation had created and launched its first military vessel into space known as Ceres Class, which gave the people of the world a moment of awe and marvel at Alphian ingenuity. For some, it sparked an interest in achieving interstellar travel and when it came to the Kingdom of Swiftridge this is no doubt a fact. Despite being one of the most neutral nations on Taurus, the day the first Alphian ship went into space was the birth of a new idea, an awakening, a new mindset for the Swiftridgian people. It was an idea and a tale now told to young children of the Swiftridgian expanse. "That long ago Swiftridge's existence on Taurus was like that of a man living on an island filled with dangers, if he was to someday find new means of survival the answer lies in exploration, to travel beyond will be the means of escaping the island. To choose and stay will be to forever shackle himself on an island and one day succumb to the dangers that dwells on it." None actually remembered how it happen but in 2317, after numerous painstaking efforts and experimentation, the Kingdom of Swiftridge had finally perfected its first ship and began launching its first vessel into space. Following this breakthrough a new project was created to launch exploration probes to travel across the vastness of space in search of whatever worlds that can be found. Years and decades will past and this moment will