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The Silverwind is a tactical aerial transport capable of airlifting up to an entire infantry squad at a time. It is a transport that has cloaking capabilities and is used to insert special operations units into battle or on covert missions.
It has decent armor and carries some laser weapons and missiles which provides tactical support, but it's not supposed to risk itself unduly. Due to the high unit cost, the Silverwind may use its missiles in coordination with ground units, but should retreat as soon as possible.
The Silverwind has two pilots that sit in the frontal compartment who control the aircraft. The craft contains 11 seats, enough to fit two squads with three extra seats. Its main door is located on its right side and contains two suspension cables that can lower and raise to deploy or extract troops. Its rear loading ramp also allows the Silverwind to be used in fly-by air drops, be it paratroopers, droids, or cargo.
The Silverwind isn't designed to be an attack craft and has a rather light armament: two Multi-Lasers on its nose, which are rapid-fire heavy laser weapons, ideal for destroying lightly-armored vehicles or infantry formations, as main armament and point defense. It also has a complement of four Hawkeye HELLFIRE Air-to-Air missiles for self-defense and two Cyclone Missile Launchers on pylons that contain either eight Krak Missiles used for penetrating heavy armor and vehicles or explosive anti-personnel Frag Missiles designed to kill multiple, lightly-armored foes. These are fired in assistance to the ground forces before retreating.
The aircraft is also equipped with ejector seats, flare or chaff launchers, FLIR (Forward Looking Infra-Red) targeting systems, and illumination flares.
The Silverwind is equipped with miniature Helium-3 fusion reactors, thermally shielded by Heatsink Stone technology. It has two rows of two reactors on each DT-2500 turbine which expand and accelerate the air used as propellent mass to provide lift and propulsion. With two turbines in each pod, it makes a total of 16 reactors for both pods.
The Silverwind uses Active Camouflage technology to allow it to blend in with its terrain by mimicking the environment around it. Active camouflage technology uses a field of energy to bend light around the craft, thus making it effectively invisible. Fourteen active camouflage generators are located aboard the craft. Each generator also renders the ship completely invisible to nearly all forms of detection by disrupting the electronic signature of its various systems and sensors normally emitted and concealing the wearer's infrared and magnetic signature.

The Silverwind has a 75mm lightweight composite sandwich armor of alloy platings, ten layers of layered titanium, plasteel, ceramic plates, ablative rubber and Kevlar weave. This armor is capable of resisting 35mm AP rounds and the detonation of proximity missiles.