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The Arbiter is a title of the highest possible honor bestowed upon an individual within the Dark Angels. In the history of the Dark Angels, there has only been one Arbiter: the founder of the Dark Angels. His name is unknown. His age is unknown. He has been commanding the Dark Angels in the shadows in its entire history. Although few have seen him in person, his rule is absolute. He resides in his throne room aboard his flagship, the Tyrant, constantly guarded by the Arbiter's Royal Guards. The Arbiter is no mere individual sitting on a throne giving orders. As an individual, he has incredible combat skills and intellect. He wields an energy sword called the Ventris and wears beskar armor, which is impervious to most weapon strikes. Even without his guards, he is able to take on a hundred armed men single-handedly. At his disposal are four highly skilled fighters known as the Elite Four, which take care of secret covert missions for him.