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The October Conflict is an ongoing conflict between the member states of S.A.T.O and the Almere Socialist Republic. SATO cites the "hypocriscy, unsustainability, malicious actions, malicious agendas, corruption, and nonsensical views of the ASR" as key reasons for the conflict.
Preceding the August Conflict, tensions between the UCGB and ASR had already begun to mount. This was coupled with the arrival of multiple new powers in the area as they settled in the Doggerlands.
The SATO treaty was established on October 26th, 3018, 2 days prior to when they would declare war.
Course of the war
On October 28th, 3018, at 12 AM local time, SATO commenced a siege of Byfair and soon after, all other ASR territory. The ASR National Airbase Radar Station was immediately put on high alert, and conflict between the belligerents started soon after.