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United Cities of Greater Bonitana

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The nation of Bonitaña, Officially the United Cities of Greater Bonitaña (UCGB), was a unitary republic consisting of the constituent city-states of Bonitaña, Lorikeet, Pasqual, Eindhoven, Byfair  (formerly West Byfair) and the autonomous province of Bukharam. Bonitana was known for being one of the superpower states in the area, locked in a constant struggle for power with the neighboring Almere Socialist Republic (ASR). 

Although the name implies that the country is a federation, it was in fact a unitary state, with the majority of the power being possessed by the main city of Bonitaña and their central government. However, the constituent cities are granted autonomy in some areas. The country was also known for it's stunning geography, vast area, and sizeable economy. 

The nation was dissolved and was succeeded by the Eastern Federal Republic on Jan. 3, 3019. 


The name "Bonitaña" can be used to refer to both the country or the city, and likewise both entities are sometimes confused. However, the city of Bonitaña is where the central government is located, which is one reason why the city is used the refer to the nation as a whole.

The "ñ" , although in the correct spellings, is not required when the name is anglicized to Bonitana. 


Ancient History

Bonitana's origins start off as a resort town on what once was the area of the Doggerlands known as New Frisia, founded by a Spanish billionare. Almost 2000 years later, Spanish is still spoken as a creole language throughout Bonitana. It was passed down along with English from the neighbouring British Isles as the language of many farmers. It was standardised along with English with the re-settlement of the Wolf/Elite employees.

The First SRAV-Bonitañan War

Bonitaña began as a small town for housing Wolf/Elite employees, headed by CEO Joe Wolf. The city eventually evolved into a small state, competing with the numerous other city-states in the neighboring areas, such as Almere, Villagerington, Old Arstotzka, and the Soviet Republic of Almere Valley (SRAV).

Demands for more land increased, and an ancient strip of land that was once believed to be Bonitañan — the Bonitenland — was annexed from Villagerington. However, the Bonitañans, demanding more land, commenced a swift invasion of the city states of SRAV and Old Arstotzka, located in Almere Valley. Stuck together in the same diplomatic situation, Old Arstotzka and SRAV merged to form the New Soviet Republic of Almere Valley (also alluded to as SRAV), and they, along with Villagerington, beat back the Bonitañans and re-took Almere Valley and all of the Bonitenland.

The Second SRAV-Bonitañan War

Roughly a year after the first war, Bonitaña again attacked SRAV, this time pushing all the way into the core of Arstotzka city, straight across and encompassing all of Almere Valley. Bonitaña had been building up its military, and Chisel Enterprises (CE) had provided equipment and logistical support to the Bonitañan forces as well. The neighboring states, Villagerington and Almere, sought to contain Bonitañan aggression (although Almere also had ulterior motives to stop CE expansionism), and at the plea of SRAV, they intervened. Almere and Villagerington, both roughly surrounding Arstotzka city, encircled the Bonitañan army and annihilated their troops. The Bonitañan Military Reserves were left to watch in horror at the annihilation and subsequent war of attrition against the encircled Bonitañan Army.


The political atmosphere remained galvanized and unstable after the destruction of the First Bonitañan Army, and Bonitañan politics eventually shifted towards a nationalistic, conservative fervor. Irredentism for the Bonitenland and parts of Villagerington increased. SRAV, Almere, and Villagerington consolidated into the Almere Socialist Republic (ASR), federating as part of the new country. SRAV was officially rechristened Arstotzka in the official ASR proceedings that followed. Their motivation to form a nation was likely fueled by the continued Bonitañan aggression, among other things.

Intervention in the War of Arstotzkan Secession

After several years of peace, Arstotzka declared secession from ASR in a wave of national identity. This resulted in a breach of the ASR Article, leading Almere and Villagerington to launch an offensive against Arstotzka. Bonitaña, pretending to help ensure Arstotzka's independence, sent expeditionary forces once again into Almere Valley, this time as a feigned ally. After crossing the Almere Mountains, the Arstotzkans and Bonitañans initially were successful. Chisel Enterprises was significantly involved yet again in pouring their forces onto the Arstotzkan-Bonitañan Front, pushing Almere and Villagerington back further.

DefCon Deployment in the War of Arstotzkan Secession

The DefCon League, a multi-corporate organization tasked with peacekeeping, eventually intervened on the side of ASR. CE forces were significantly entrenched, and repulsed multiple attacks. However, CE also began killing the Arstotzkan radicals which had been in support of the secession, and Bonitaña also turned on the Arstotzkans, seizing their opportunity to take the Almere Valley. However, as the CE forces prepared to attack deeper into other parts of ASR, the collapse of the Byfair industrial sector occured, sending the regional economy into freefall as many corporations defaulted, and essentially causing the total collapse of the offensive. Although peace talks were being presented, CE, not seeking to take responsibility for the damages and political nightmare that would ensue from DefCon, destroyed DefCon with an atomic weapon.

The Depression

See also: History of the Corporate Depression

DefCon, being the main regulator of the regional economy, was subsequently obliterated, along with most of the economy. The entire regional economy halted, dooming many corporations, and forcing others into self-sustaining dormancy. Although Bonitaña retracted their forces, they gained the most out of the war. Joe Wolf resigned, and the current president, Antonio P. Tiger, took office. Several large banks, including from ASR, went bankrupt due to their loss of assets to Bonitaña, leading Bonitaña into riches of the order of trillions in CM and gold. As many cities went under, Bonitaña prospered, and acquired Lorikeet, leading to the prelude of the current UCGB.

Territorial Acquistions

ASR, looking for a way to relieve its economy, acquired a large amount of land to the south of it - a mountainous region known as Mirfield. Bonitaña, on the other hand, invaded a independent Christian kingdom known as Bukharam, and annexed it as the "Bukharam Autonomous Province"

The Five Day War

See also: August Conflict

On August 1st, 3018, the ASR declared war on Bonitana. The justification for war was on the assumption that the Bonitanan government backed the Mormon terrorist who were present in the city of Bukharam. A presumed C.E. attack on Black<Con created a chain reaction of events leading to ASR invading Bonitana.

The initial phase of the war was a stalemate, with each side not being able to penetrate each other's defenses.

October Conflict

See also: October Conflict

On October 28th, 3018, the S.A.T.O alliance attacked the ASR. The justification for war concerned the occupation of West Bukharam, Zaandam-Zuid, and the existence of Alphenland. Other members also participated on the notion that ASR was anti-corporate.

The conflict was a strategic, tactical, and political victory for the U.C.G.B. West Bukharam, West Byfair, Zaandam-Zuid and Alphenland were re-annexed into the nation, and James Testificate was captured and forced out of office after an internal coup by Ger Loogman.

The period after the conflict has been marked by a democratization, with socialist and left-wing parties being once again allowed to be registered. Due to the devastating aftermath in A.S.R, the conflict has also inadvertently created sympathy towards the socialist nation, leading towards Mark De Vries being elected as the next presidential nominee for the U.C.G.B.

President Mark De Vries

The De Vries era was marked by a period of economic growth between the A.S.R and U.C.G.B, reduced spending on the military, and significant restrictions on large corporations. 

Bonitana united with the ASR after a series of votes in the parliament, leading to the creation of the Eastern Federal Republic. Bonitana was briefly dissolved and left stateless in the minutes during the creation.


Bonitana had a relatively strong economy, with a sizable industrial sector, agricultural areas and a well developed service and consumer goods sector. Bonitana primarily exported and extracted raw minerals via the state-owned BMEC company. Mechadyne owned a large portion of the industrial sector, primarily for weapons production, oil and mineral refining, and commercial vehicle production. Bonitana competed with the ASR for economic dominance, albeit more successfully because it favored a capitalist system compared to the ASR's radical economic policies.


Bonitanan Parliament

Bonitanan Parliament As of 11/9/18

Parliament Seats by Political Affiliation

Salmon - Social Democratic Party (Ruling Party)
Blue - United Bonitañan Party
Teal - National Democratic Party 
Brown - Legion Of Bonitañan Fascists
Black - Falangist Party of Bonitaña
Crimson - Bonitañan Nationalist Bolshevik Party
Green - Monarchist Party


Bonitana's military is divided into four branches, the Bonitana Security Forces, and the Bonitanan Armed Forces: The Bonitana Ground Force, the Bonitanan Air and Space Force, and the Bonitanan Navy.

Bonitana Security Forces

The Bonitana Security Forces, or the BSF, is a paramilitary force serving as the national guard or gendarmerie of the UCGB. The BSF is independent of the Bonitanan Armed Forces and is typically under the authority of each state of the UCGB it is within. However, the BSF can also be mobilized directly by the President or governors who believe that the nation's constitution has been violated or in the midst of internal conflict.