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- 19:31, 2 March 2025 Will company (hist | edit) [6,920 bytes] Willco (talk | contribs) (Created page with "so cool Category:Corporations") Tag: Visual edit
- 17:29, 18 January 2025 Griffith (hist | edit) [3,830 bytes] Kubogoffik (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{CorpRP_City_Infobox |caption1= Seal of Griffith |country= Republic of Paxem |established= 2946 |population= 1,313 |demonym= Griffithian |ethnicities= English, Dutch, German |religions= The Pontifical Church}} == Overview == Griffith is a city in the north-east region of the Zaandam region. The city contains dozens of historical Queen-Anne buildings and hosts many cultural events. It is surrounded by the Zaandam National Forest and lies next to the Eastern...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 16:16, 5 January 2025 A political history of the United Federation of Planets (hist | edit) [447 bytes] Tarkin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This page documents the political history of the Federation, from its foundation in 2161 to the present day, including the interludes of 2340-2985 and again from 2998-3001. == The era of the First Federation (2161-2340) == === Formation === The period of formation that predated the first Federation Council was triggered by the activities of Johnathan Archer, whose efforts against Terra Prime terrorists helped galvanise a federalist movement.") Tag: Visual edit
- 21:51, 3 January 2025 Burford (hist | edit) [338 bytes] Tarkin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''''Burford''''' is an upcoming Mythos Unbound story written by Grand_Tarkin and ThePontificate. The story is set to follow the unexpected adventure of an escaped cavalry horse as it wanders through the Balancín countryside. == Characters == * Burford, a Hanoverian cavalry horse that has escaped the Royal Cavalry First Regiment.") Tag: Visual edit
- 17:11, 2 January 2025 Series Four (hist | edit) [466 bytes] Tarkin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''''Series Four''''' is expected to be the fourth and final series in Grand_Tarkin's roleplay epic saga. It will follow directly on from the events of ''Series Three: All Saints'', as well as the stories of Mythos Unbound's Phase II: Prophecies. Series Four is expected to be subtitled, like Series Three. It will primarily, if not entirely, be written by Grand_Tarkin. It is confirmed that the story will feature Koschei.") Tag: Visual edit
- 17:24, 26 December 2024 Deathless (hist | edit) [982 bytes] Tarkin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''''Deathless''''' is a 2024 roleplay story in the Mythos Unbound collection written by Grand_Tarkin. The story is three-parts long and is a prequel to ''Series Three: All Saints''. Published in between the release of ''The Prime Directive'', ''Deathless'' follows Ka'ahl as he tracks the activities of Koschei. The story features the return of the characters Ka'ahl, who last appeared in the epilo...") Tag: Visual edit
- 17:22, 21 December 2024 Falkner Witan (hist | edit) [1,337 bytes] Tarkin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Falkner Witan was formed on 23 December 3024 following the appointment of Stephen Falkner as Prime Minister and Lord Keeper. Formally a coalition between the Pawns and Bishops, the Falkner Witan succeeded the Attlee Witan to become the first parliamentary government since the unification of Wiltshire into the Balancín Kingdoms. == Witan == {| class="wikitable" |+Falkner Witan !Portfolio ! colspan="2" |Witan !Political party |- |Prime Minister of the Balan...") Tag: Visual edit
- 13:59, 20 December 2024 3024 Witan formation (hist | edit) [2,068 bytes] Tarkin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "A reformation of the Balancín Witan took place in December 3024 following the resignation of David-Eli Attlee. This was the first prime ministerial selection process to take place under the newly united Balancín Kingdoms of Wiltshire and the Rock. Due to the ongoing regency, the Balancín Parliament had the power of confirmation - something that it typically does not have under the standard constitution. Rose, the Queen Regent, was put in a position whe...") Tag: Visual edit