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Chisel Enterprises

From TCH Archive
Revision as of 13:44, 20 October 2018 by (talk) (Adding categories)

Chisel Enterprises
Prominent MegaCorporation, International.


Chisel Enterprises can easily be called the oldest modern corporation due to its roots as the Standard Oil company, a large oil company founded in the second half of the 19th century. Through a series of renamings and power changes, it returned as a prominent global corporation in the late 20th century, under the name Chisel Industries. This corporation primarily sold military technology to the now-defunct world governments of that day, arming many different sides of the multiple wars going on at the time. It was a major player in selling massive amounts of arms to the Chinese and United States, prompting the fall of Russia in 2050. The company only grew in power after this, and the Nevada Documents heavily imply that this corporation came into contact with the Chisan race sometime around 2235. This resulted in the research and development of many of this extraterrestrial technology, much of which fell into the hands of the later Chisel Enterprises.

The Great Disaster and Early History

After the Great Disaster of 2300, Chisel Industries quickly disappeared and was not heard from again for centuries. It is unknown what happened to the MegaCorporation during this time, however, it is probable that the administration retreated into the massive Arichmedes II superweapon, a heavily fortified facility created in response to the impending meteor strike in the Great Disaster. Evidently they survived, as the corporation suddenly resurfaced more than a half-millenia later, under the new name of Chisel Enterprises. This Megacorporation, under the leadership of Chisel Amadeus Steiner (who was named after the corporation he was born to lead) quickly and massively grew, selling designs unlike any other such as the Buzzard Autonomous Fighter drone (probably based off of Chisan technology). This quick rise to dominance prompted the sudden arrival of two alien species to Earth: The Slivans and Lesterians. Both humanoid species posed a great theat to Earth until they were ultimatelly and utterly eradicated by the Arichimedes II Superweapon.

The Steinbauer Years

The Black<Con/Chisel Enterprises War

The Almerian Conflicts and the Great Corporate Recession