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The writing systems of Taurus refers to the current and historic practices of writing systems on the Tauran Planet. The various writing systems can be separated into multiple distinct branches, many of which developed separately. Among these are writing systems descended from Old Gaven, and the ones descended from the Detascir Alphabet.
Gavenic Scripts
The Gavenic scripts descend from Old Gaven, the writing system of Ancient Havenian Kingdoms. Modern Descendents in use include Gaven, High Gaven, and Ga-Nirob.
Detasciric Scripts
The Detasciric Scripts descend from the Old Detascir Alphabet. As part of the expansion of the Detascir Empire, it brought writing to many languages of its empire, such as Gerbian, Ladka, Carelian, and Eden. The writing system then spread further through SMG colonization, bringing the writing system to Dalkaisk, Carthyan, Time'in, Wisperen, Tonabakh, and Atern. Modern descendents include Srojka, Detaka, Ladka-Edenka.