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Scorpiola Desert War / The Desert War of Scorpiola
The Scorpiola Desert War was a conflict between the Silver-Enron-Linville-Crown-Quantia (SELCQ) forces and the Villager Empire.
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The conflict started when the Villager Empire began occupying small desert settlements north of Crown Heights. The leaders of SELCQ at the time, MechanicalDog and mrfloppydisc, panicked in fear of a possible nuclear weapons outpost within these settlements. They established a small base East of the settlements, claiming it was just a military training ground.
Course of the War
Pre-War Events A few days after discovery of the new base, the Villager Empire set up a base within the largest of their occupied settlements, Sandy Ville. With the help of Outcast457, the Villager Empire had a airbase outside of their own city. In fear of a attack, extreme measures were took by SELCQ, including establishing a airbase of their own, re-doing the Scorpiola Wells base, and constructing missile silos. Tanks and assault vehicles were sent to the then unofficial border, within range of Sandy Ville.
The War Begins In retaliation to SELCQ's ever growing presence, the Villager Empire expanded their base and sent forces along the border. In response, the SELCQ forces sent aircraft, vehicles, and finished constructing their nuclear missile silos, and one large airfield.
The First Attack The Villager Empire took the first shot, shelling a small outhouse in a silo location. After this, SELCQ established a de-militarized zone (DMZ), to stop potential invaders. The Villager Empire thought that the DMZ was a good idea too, but violated some of the laws after placing illegal mines in the sand and under the water. A anti-mine armored jet ski was sent out to rid the water of potential explosives, but were attacked while doing so. A border patrol guard belonging to SELCQ forces was also shot to death on his own territory.
Land invasions of SELCQ and the Villager Empire When all seemed to be calming down, tank patrolling the SELCQ border was shelled. Prior to that event, a group of rebels carrying explosives were killed while entering SELCQ territory from the Villager Empire side. After prolonged periods of border aggression, more SELCQ forces were mobilized, including the first Quantian forces. The Villager Empire decided to respond to this threat, and sent a armada of landing crafts and battleships toward the SELCQ territory, violating the 200 meter Exclusive Economic Zone (EEC), and the 20 meter territorial waters. The Linville mayor, mrfloppydisc, along with the head of the KMTSA and ANAC Group, SFCarWashChannel, decided that they could wipe out the base in one try, and sent multiple autonomous armored vehicles and a jet-powered drone aircraft to attack the base. It resulted in the largest battle yet, with Villager empire losing 4 troops, 5-10 Enforcer robots, and a attack aircraft, and the SELCQ forces losing one drone, 4 troops, 1 robotic troop, and a armored vehicle.
Peace Treaty and Post-War Events After a period of fighting, and a planned land invasion of Villager Ville by the KMTSA, a peace treaty was agreed upon. Forces were removed along some of the borders, but many still remain. Quantia started work on a base, with a connection to the Villager Empire of Sandy Ville, and sanctions were in place on the Villager Empire. A underground radio monitoring station was still in operation under Villager Empire forces, but this was quickly removed. The peace treaty lasts until the 17th of October, 2015. SELCQ and ANAC Group both started oil mining in the Scorpiola desert, along with the founding of another base by ravimondavi and 420Froyo.