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The Tauran Calendar, also known as the Common Tauran Calender, is a solar calendar and the dominant calendar used on Taurus, and has been adapted for celebratory purposes on Terra.
Tauran days are approximately 23.1 hours long, and when combined with the 317.6 Earth day long year, means that a Tauran year is approximately 330 Tauran days long.
Tauran Months are 30 days long, with 11 months per year. Tauran weeks are 5 days, with 6 weeks per month.
For the Common Tauran Calendar, Year 0 starts on the day marking the end of the Rapture. However for some variations of the calendar Year 0 is different. For instance, national calendars like the Dalkaisk Calendar, Year 0 was the end of the Dalkaisk Revolution. New Years Day is consistent for all Tauran Calendars
For reference, the Tauran New Year is on 16 May 3021, and the Midyear is 2 December 2020.
Upon arriving to Terra, the Gregorian Calendar went into official and day-to-use by Taurans. Most Tauran holidays were changed according to their Gregorian date in the year 3018, and historical events such as anniversaries were calculated based on their date on the Gregorian calendar.
In some holidays, such as Tauran New Year and Midyear Festivals, the original Tauran Calendar is required. In adapting the calendar, Taurus's 23.1 hour days were changed to Terra's 24 hour days, so therefore the Tauran year is still 330 days, but in Earth Days.
For Use on Taurus
Units | Time |
Tauran Day Length | 23.1 hours |
Tauran Week | 10 Tauran Days |
Tauran Month | 30 Tauran Days / 3 Tauran Weeks |
Tauran Year | 330 Tauran Days / 11 Tauran Months / 33 Tauran Weeks |
For Use on Terra
Units | Time |
Tauran Day Length | 24 hours |
Tauran Week | 10 Terran Days |
Tauran Month | 30 Terran Days |
Tauran Year | 330 Terran Days |