More actions
Here is a list of all city precincts known to TCH. This may not represent the actual number of cities that exist- just the ones we are aware of and have documentation on.
- ALM - Almere
- ARS - Arstotzka
- ATL - Atlas
- BON - Bonitaรฑa
- BYF - Byfair (formerly Norwall)
- FAY - Fayyaad
- GOR - Gorath
- IBE - Ibeeville
- JAB - Jabinc
- JC3 - Jackacity
- LOR - Lorikeet
- MAL - Mรคlm (aka Campos de Santos)
- MAR - Marton
- MIN - Minevgrad (aka Eindhoven)
- NOV - Novenae
- SEN - Sentosa
- SUN - Sunnyvale
- SOU - Southenstein (aka Geekopolis)
- TWI - Twilight]
- VIL - Villagerington
- WAS - Washington E.R.
- WIL - Wiltshire