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January 3019 Wiltshire General Election

From TCH Archive
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Previous election (November 3018)

Next Election (tbd)

The next general election in the Republic of Wiltshire will be held on January 24, 3019. The election was suppose to be held three weeks later on February 14, 3019 however was brought earlier due to the government shutdown and healthcare crisis.

Incumbent Prime Minister Audrick Hill is seeking a full term as Prime Minister and to increase the Conservative Party's seat numbers in the National Assembly in order to pass legislation to end the government shutdown. Hill is being challenged by Socialist Party Leader Rita Smith. Smith became leader of the opposition in early January 3019 following the resignation of Frank Eddington as Leader.

Electoral System

Each district elects one Assembly Member (AM) to the National Assembly using the first-past-the-post voting system. The party leader who is able to obtain a majority of the support in the assembly would be able to become Prime Minister. This is usually done by a coalition of parties, however (in large victories) a party can win an outright majority of seats.

Voter eligibility

To vote in the general election, one had to be;

  • on the Electoral Register
  • aged 18 or over on polling day
  • a Wiltshirian Citizen
  • not legally excluded from voting (for example, a convicted person detained in prison or mental hospital)

Individuals had to be registered to vote by midnight six days before the election (9th Nov). You could only register in one district, and people with multiple homes were advised to pick their primary residence.

Date of the Election

The Fixed Term Assembly Act dictated the election to be held on February 14, 3019. However, the National Assembly voted unanimously to hold the election early due to the government shutdown. On the 17th of January 3019, the National Assembly voted 50-0 in favour of calling the early election, with three Liberal AMs abstaining.

Due to the Elections Act of 3015, the election must be held on the first Thursday following the dissolution of the National Assembly by order of the President of the National Assembly. The National Assembly was dissolved on the 19th January, 3019 and so the election is to be held on January 24.

Political Groups and Leaders

The Conservative Party

The Conservative Party is the ruling party in Wiltshire and took office following the by-election defeats for the Socialists in late 3018. The Leader of the Conservative Party is Prime Minister Audrick Hill. Hill has been leader since the Conservatives' narrow defeat in November.

The Conservatives are a economically right wing, socially libertarian party that believe in free-market capitalism and in the advantages of low taxes and few regulations.

The Socialist Party

The Socialist Party is the second largest party in Wiltshire and were in government until very recently when they lost two seats in by-elections to the Conservative Party. The leader of the Socialists is Rita Smith. Smith became leader following Prime Minister Frank Eddington's resignation and has vowed to protect the socialised medicine system.

The Socialist Party is a left wing party that believes in a regulated economy that works for the common good, however does not deny the usefulness and need of capitalism, just to a smaller degree.

Wiltshire First

The Wiltshire First Party is the newest party on the political scene, being formed in late 3017 to combat rising socialism and immigration. The far-right wing party believes in a closed border with Bonitana and a completely free-market. In November 3018, they won massively, winning 6 seats. They entered a coalition with the Conservatives in early 3019 to form a government with Prime Minister Audrick Hill.

The Leader of Wiltshire First is Michele Yarner who was the founder of the party and Deputy Prime Minister.

The Liberal Party

The Liberal Alliance Party is a centrist political party that believes in social freedoms with moderate economic regulation from the government. They are described as the only pro-corporate liberals in Doggerland and believe in lower taxes for workers. They believe that drugs should be legalised and that the government should have an extremely limited role in a citizen's life. However, they do support small level welfare-programmes such as Universal Healthcare.

The Leader of the Liberal Party is Ray Banes, who until recently was the Foreign Minister in the Conservative-led coalition.

The Communist Party

The Wiltshire Communist and Social Order Party is a far-left wing party that believes in abolishing the free-market capitalist system currently in place for a communist system of government and economy. The party denies being authoritarian, however does call for stricter legislation on everyday life and for a 'new social order'.

The Leader of the Communists is former Deputy Prime Minister Walton Baker and will likely form a coalition with the Socialists in the event that they have the numbers to form a majority.

The Green Party

The Green Party is a small, left wing, environmental party that argues for a strictly regulated economy and eco-system. They support a green-new-deal and a greater welfare state. The Green Party leader is Don Halloway, however their only Assembly Member is Peter Hart.