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Template:TCH Nation infoboxThe Northern Novanite Federation, alternatively named the "Northern Federation" or simply "NNF" is a federal parliamentary republic located in the northeastern region of the Doggerlands. It lies directly south of Barkshire and Byfair, and north of Sunnyvale.
Its' formation was prompted by mounting tensions between the socialist entities of the Novenae's People for Liberation, United Cities of Greater Bonitana, Almere Socialist Republic and the mainly capitalistic entities of Novenae and Scion. The two cities both having tensions with all of these socialist factions cited the protection of their interests as the main reason for unification.
Government & Politics
Novenae is a federal parliamentary republic with a Westminster system of unicameral legislature. Each region (currently Novenae and Scion) hold considerable autonomy in local affairs, as they have their own fully developed governments and militaries. They hold almost full jurisdiction and control over their territories and maintain their respective identities, and the federal government is primarily utilized for joint efforts between member states.