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The Oscdean States (aus-de-ean) is a stratocracy power that originated from Taurus. It runs as a corporate military-industrial complex with its inhabitants mainly conducting different services to keep the economy and the structure of the state stable. The state runs on three words: Loyalty, Unity, and Tranquility as it believes that strength and power can be found through united efforts.
Unlike most cities or nations, The entirety of the Oscdean States revolves around its militaristic ideologies and corporate beliefs. Citizens in the State must serve at least 5 years that will contribute to the State. From trade, engineering, communication, international affairs, and services.
Currently, The Oscdean States are spread across the cities of Alphia, Avalon, and Cardivorc in north-western Doggerland.
Our Union is our Strength
From a Corporation to a Nation
The State was once nothing but an Army Association that sold weapons to various nations on Taurus. After the events and invaison on the Lancastrian Federation, The Association later formed into Alpha's Military Association (AMA) and started to sell weapons as a corporate conglomerate to neighboring countries, especially Lancaster
Months later the Corporation was destroyed by an invasion orchestrated by Haven, who deemed them as a threat, and were eventually forced a military contract to build for them. The Invasion left scattered survivors and defectors. Some were believed to have ran off and formed the rogue group known as The Ocanam Rangers. In 2160, AMA has decided itself split into two, with haven taking 40% of the company. The other half carried carried 60% of the company’s assets and rebuilt their headquarters hidden somewhere in the Middle Continent and isolated themselves from the world. As Time passed on, AMA in the middle continent grew at a rapid and unchecked rate. In 2216, the corporation became so big that they declared themselves as a independent governing sovereign state called the Alphian Federation, and was evidently declared a global superpower in 2299, when the federation launched their first military ship, the Ceres Class
Eventually, the Alphians turned into the Oscdeans, and overpowered most of the nations it came across, expanding between different worlds. Due to classified reasons, the State left its home system along with others, and vowed to never return. This event and journey was eventually known as The Great Migration.
Great Migration
The State was on a moving pattern after it lost its homeworld due to classified reasons. Only 3 out of the 5 capital ships survived this Great Migration period across space. The Two Capital Ships: Exodus II-B and Exodus II-D split off from the migration fleet in a desperate attempt to settle down and rebuild. They were not heard from again in months, until a state radar picked up the transmission known as Echoing Regrets.
In 3006, A Unata Class destroyer has detected a world known as Terra and informed the head of the Vindictus Ove. After much debates and research, the entire fleet finally agreed to set down on this unknown world. After 10 years of traveling from the Proxmia system to Sol, they found themselves in a new lush and thriving planet. Eventually, A golden age of technological and socialital advancement came by. Entire cities were built, science and research brought in new technologies that brought Tauruans the ability to live comfortably, and a place to call home.
The Oscdean States are built entirely around their military and corporate capitalism beleifs. Most of their backbone structures are made up of mega-corporations, which provides most of the states militaral, societal, and technological developments.
Oscdean cities are often split into districts as a way to maintain the relationship between industrial sectors and living/social areas. These districts are rather large, and a single city can have as much as 4 districts in them. Examples of such districts in a city can be seen in Alphia; with district such as the Fortuna District, Toruma District, Eban District, and the Yortun District. Most of the Oscdean population live in apartment complexes, or Erodams.
Citizens of the state who pass a physical exam are required to serve a 5 year mandatory service under any of the three main military branches and their respective sub-branches.

Being a military-industrial complex society, the Oscdeans often strive to be at the cutting edge of technology. The State has always maintained a wide and vast military force, mostly through its corporations and its ideologies. A wide array of its militarial power can be found on three official military branches: The Terram Auca for Ground Forces, Vindictus Ove for Navy, and The Arivi for Reconnaissance and support.
Most of these military branches can consist of up to 7 sub-branches, with each of these sub-branches maintaining an important role in the Oscdean military and their respective main branches.
Known Affiliated Alliances
I.D.O.- International Defense Organization
U.D.F.- United Democratic Factions
G.N.A.- Great Northern Alliance
AMF/Haven Conflict
The AMF and Haven conflict started as a Cold War, but quickly escalated to a semi-nuclear war that devasated untold number of bases.
Operation Publeo
Operation Publeo was a desert campaign done by the Arivi in 2505. The Operation was a conflict against Floor's Publeo's in order to shutdown the rising drug economy in the Arcabis Desert.
The Great Hunt
It was unknown that during that time in 2603, a faction made of rogue militants formed NCR Republic. They ransacked towns and smaller factions where ever they went. Eventually, they unknowingly trespassed into the AMF research base in Slokia. This eventually led to AMF aware of their presence, and began to hunt NCR bases. This was also the time where the Unata Class first saw military action. In 2109, NCR fell and the last of its bases were dismantled.
Battle of the Three Woods
During the time of the Global Cold War, a small militia group know as ASG attacked a remote Alphian FOB base. This instantly escalated to conflict, with battles being fought across three regions to push the Militants out of Oscdean Territory.
Liberation of Genessis
During The Red War in 2820, a city belonging to the Dalkai Republic was lost after a military staged invasion done by SMG. The city was held under SMG control for 4 years until the UDF alliance realized the importance of the city. Later that year, The State and Dalkai Republic launched a surprise attack on the city, with Oscdean ships chocking the airspace and Dalkaian troops entering the city to ensure a swift takeover. This invasion was the start of The Red War
Picture of the Federations Terram Auca TA-40 fighting in the city of Genasis.
October Conflict
In 3018, The Oscdean State and the United Cities of Greater Bonitaña created the S.A.T.O alliance, along with 5 other nations to formulate an attack on the Almere Socialist Republic. The attack started on the 28th of October, and lasted for three days as S.A.T.O surrounded the socialist city of Arstotzka. To Date, it was the largest naval combat the Vindictus Ove has ever seen.
7 Hour War
The Oscdean State currently runs on a federal government system. As mentioned earlier, the Oscdean State is consisted of different clans that were formed during the Union Following.
- Yunihai
- Aphini
- Touaum
Ever since, these nations united, the government and council is represented and held by a national state leader or Arunam Obveron. This State leader is usually represented by an N.F.R
Nordum Tu Vindoctra [Independence Day]- February 11th
In 2800, the Oscdean State, along with its allies revolted against the tyranny and expanding grasp of the SMG Hegemony. The resulting war known as The Red War, ended with the deannexation of Oscdea, Dalkai, and Dark Angels from the SMG Union.
The resulting victory and freedom that the Oscdean fought hard for eventually became known as “Nordum Tu Vindoctra” (Victory for Freedom), and was celebrated every year since the day when Oscdea left the union. On this day, citizens of the state would wear traditional Agravam Marks to symbolize freedom on themselves and gather at around the city to host parades and fireworks.
Farum Alpiana [Anniversary]- October 23rd
This date marks the founding when the Alphian Federation declared its sovieringty to the rest of the world.