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From TCH Archive
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Gerbian (/d͡ʒɚ.bi.ən/; Gerbian: Gerbiesx [goɾ.bieʃ]), or alternatively Sovokian-Mongaulian is a dialect-continuum that historically spanned across the nations of Sovokia and Mongaulia. It is a pluricentric language, with 2 standards in Sovokia, and Mongaulia. The closely-knit linguistic similarity between the 2 nations is a large reason why SMG formed.

Mandatory Gerbian Education is necessary for all schoolchildren living within the SMG Hegemony, and all citizens are required to have some ability in the Gerbian Language. In addition, a Gerbian Name has to be assigned to each person to be used in official contexts, with their original names to be used in personal contexts

In its Ljekja script, a spelling reform for the nation has not been put into place since 2400, and therefore spelling is extremely preserved, and maintains specific Gerbian spelling aspects. These irregularities have been translated to the Latin Alphabet by the Gerbian speaking community of Terra, as well as Tauran Language Institutions.

The language is also notorious for its difficult pronunciation for learners to speak. For instance, Pęwxlfki /pɤˠˈxɫ̩ includes an unfamiliar vowel to most, velarization, and a syllabic vowel.

Writing System

Gerbian IPA Gerbian IPA Gerbian IPA
Aa /ɑ/ Bb /b/ Cc /c/
Dd /d/ Ee /o/ Ęę /ɤ/
Ff /ɸ/ Gg /g/ Hh /ħ/
Ii /i/ Kk /k/ Ll /ɫ/
Mm /m/ Nn /n/ Oo /ʊ/
Pp /p/ Qq /q/ Rr /ɾ/
Ss /s/ Tt /t/ Uu /u/
Vv /β/ Ww /◌ˠ/ Xx /x/
Zz /z/ GXgx /ɣ/ RXrx /r/
SXsx /ʃ/ TXtx /t͡s/ ZXzx /ʒ/