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Arkanian Industries

From TCH Archive
Revision as of 03:07, 22 February 2020 by imported>Its.beff (→‎Military and Paramilitary Structures)


Arkanian Industries (abbreviated as AI) is a corporation created to further advance the military power of Arkania (the sovereign state in old Germany that Arkanian Industries works for) by establishing themselves in other parts of the world and gaining knowledge on new technologies, some alien.

The corporation's main goal is to create the most powerful army the world has ever seen and be at the forefront of military technology in all aspects. Though only recently been created, its technological advancements have already been of interest to minor city-states and corporations seeking to aquire arms. Only from here does the corporation move forward.

The corporation's motto is in German which translate to "Ready for Anything!" in English. The motto comes from the Arkanian work ethic found in every employee in the corporation. With any situation occuring, whether it be a full-scale conflict or minor skirmishes, the corporation is always ready to face the enemy head on.


Arkanian Industries was founded by Reinhardt von Duisburg on June 3019 and construction, funded by the Arkanian government, had quickly begun in the Doggerlands region. Rumors of alien races had reached Arkania and the Kaiser, along with his military advisors, began talks of a corporation focused solely on researching technology of such alien races.

In August 3018, official plans were drawn up completely and much funding was diverted into the creation of the corporation and the migration of the many soon-to-be employees to the Doggerlands region. After the official founding of the corporation by Reinhardt von Duisburg, he quickly began construction of industrial sectors within the Doggerlands. 

IDO Recruitment

In the following months that followed, the corporation was approached by an alien faction called the Oscdean State, with an invitation to join a newly forming organization called the International Defense Organization. With some consideration, von Duisburg had agreed to become a part of the organization, and the corporation is still affiliated with the IDO today. 

Following IDO recruitment, the corporation's newly constructed military assets were put to the test in an international conflict against the EFR, the largest nation at the time. Although much of the EFR was weakened due to the blitzkrieg form of invasion set out by the IDO, not much was gained by IDO factions in the end. This began the growth of anti-EFR sentiment within the corporation with von Duisburg himself vowing to vanquish the EFR personally one day. 

East Island Conflict

In the later months of 3019, von Duisburg found his opportunity to take his revenge upon the EFR. The Dark Angel corporation and the EFR were locked in a bloody and long conflict over the resource-rich territory that is Bukharam and Eindhoven. Due to this, von Duisburg approved a covert operation that involved the full capture of East Island with the thought that EFR assets would not have been able to disturb their operations. He was wrong.

After what seemed to be a simple takeover of East Island, EFR forces rallied to push back the corporation's advancement along with Ocanam's Borealis supporting their efforts. Although this began turning the tide against the Arkanians, Chisel Enterprises, a fellow military arms corporation, offered their military might to be bought in order to repel Ocanam and EFR forces surrounding East Island. After buying the whole package with the funding help from the former state of Bonitana, Chisel Enterprises brought their forces against Ocanam and the EFR leading to a major stalemate.

After long fighting for East Island and the rumors of the end of the EFR and Dark Angel Corporation conflict coming soon, von Duisburg requested a meeting with EFR officials to discuss terms for a white peace. Both sides agreed to such an arrangement and Arkanian Industries was once again at peace with its neighbors.

Sentiment Towards All

Throughout the corporation, anti-EFR sentiments and pro-Chisel Enterprise sentiments have been prevalent especially among most of the high brass. Arkanian Industries is a proud member of the IDO, though, the recent conflict against the EFR had caused a rift to form between the corporation and the organization. As a fellow German corporation, Chisel Enterprises is looked upon as a sibling corporation. However, above all it is the largest rival, and, because of the formation of the Neu Corporate Republik, mixed sentiment towards the corporation and nation state is prevalent throughout.

Military and Paramilitary Structures

The Arkanian Industries corporation has access to military assets provided by the Arkanian state. This allows for the corporation to defend itself from any invaders who would dare threaten Arkanian sovereignty and expansion in the region. The Arkanian army, called the Bundeswehr, are separated into multiple branches:

  • Die Alt Garde (Old Guard) which are elite regiments of battle-hardened veterans who are experienced and a force to be reckoned with.
  • Die Neue Gard (The New Guard) which are young, inexperienced, yet well-trained soldiers which make up the majority of the military forces within the state.
  • National Garde (National Guard) who are volunteer soldiers that have military training but are mostly kept within the reserves.
  • Armee Reserveeinheit (Army Reserve Unit) are volunteers who sign up to be called upon during times of war to undergo military training and be deployed for combat.
  • Mechanisches Soldatenkorps (Mechanical Soldier Corps) is a division of the military which involve military-grade war robots that own and are able to use their weapons efficiently.
  • Lotsenkorps (Pilot Corps) which make up the pilots of the corporation who fly the multitudes of fighters, airplanes, and helicopters they own.
  • Marinekorps (Marine Corps) who make up the navy marines in both air and sea navies.
  • Kriegsmarine (Sea Navy) who make up the naval forces at sea.
  • Himmelskorps (Sky Navy) who make up the naval forces in the air.
  • Geheimdienst (Intelligence Agency) are those who spy on domestic and foreign regions to gather information. 
  • Ingenieurkorps (Engineer Corps) who make up the workers involved in handling mechanized infantry, tanks, mechs, and other war vehicles.
  • Ärztekorps (Doctor Corps) who make up the medical field workers during and after a battle or disease epidemic. They take care of everyone, not just military personnel.

The Arkanian state also has a paramilitary form of security within its borders defending their military secrets which include:

  • Untersuchungsbüro (Bureau of Investigation) is a group of government agents meant to rid the state and corporation of corruption or treachery.
  • The Geheime Staatspolizei (Secret State Police) are those who do covert operations domestically to rid the state and corporation of traitors and terrorists within the shadows. 
  • The Staatspolizei (State Police) are everyday police guards meant for all-purposes on local levels rather than corporation or nation-wide levels.
  • All levels of paramilitary security forces have robots to assist in combat, treating injuries, and perception.

The Arkanian state also has a lesser known paramilitary force made of the most elite from all military and paramilitary branches.

  • The Königliche (Royal Guard) is made up of the most elite, top-of-the-line, hand-picked soldiers found in all branches of the military and paramilitary korps. Though their foremost job is the protect the Arkanian Royal Family, they are organized similarly to the Bundeswehr itself and their officers rank as equals to even the highest ranking officers in the army.

Although these military and paramilitary forces are under direct control of the corporation, Arkania itself, by law, has the final say in the matter. However, due to the long distance to old Germany from the Doggerlands, most of the political and military decisions are put upon the CEO and Director to decide with the Minister of Foreign Affairs closely watching. As of 3020 though, the Crown Prince of Arkania, Frederick Amsburg, had been sent to the Arkanian territories within the Doggerlands in order to take command of the corporation and military forces in the region. He is currently serving as the acting CEO of the Arkanian Industries corporation and a royal representative of the state of Arkania.


German culture owo