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Here is a list of all city and nation precincts known to TCH. This may not represent the actual number of cities and nations that exist β just the ones we are aware of and have documentation on.
β AlmereALP
β AlphiaARS
β ArstotzkaATL
β Atlas ValleyAVL
β AvalonBAR
β BarkshireBON
β BonitaΓ±aBUK
β BukharamBYF
β Byfair (formerly Norwall)CDV
β CardivorcDAL
β DalkaiELY
β ElysiaFAY
β FayyaadGOR
β GorathIBE
β IbeevilleJAB
β JabincJC3
β JackacityLAN
β LancastriaLOR
β LorikeetMAL
β MΓ€lm (aka Campos de Santos)MNO
β MarinoMAR
β MartonMIN
β Eindhoven (aka Minevgrad)NOV
β NovenaeOCS
β Oscdean StatesSEN
β SentosaSUN
β SunnyvaleSOU
β Southenstein (aka Geekopolis)TOR
β TorbyVIL
β VillageringtonWAS
β Washington E.R.WIL
β WiltshireWAL
β Walkerton
β Eastern Federal RepublicNF
β Novanite Federation