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The Dark Angels is a corporation located in the southern Doggerlands. Originally from the planet Taurus, the Dark Angels arrived on Terra in the year 3019. Today it runs as a separate dominion heavily isolated from the rest of the world. Ruled by the Arbiter and his autocratic system, the Dark Angels is governed through force and intimidation. Their main base of operations in the south is a heavily fortified fortress with walls surrounding the Dark Angels headquarters.
Unlike most corporations or nations, the Dark Angels focuses exclusively on its military. Its power is specialized in all aspects of its military. It seeks to expand and stand as a major power.
The Dark Angels Military is comprised of various branches, each covering a specific aspect of warfare. The affairs of the Dark Angels Army and Navy are overseen by the supreme commander, the Arbiter, which requires absolute loyalty. Admirals are the next in command, and they supervise the Navy, but do have jurisdiction over the Army. The technology utilized is very advanced from ground tanks to droids to airships. The Dark Angels Department of Military Research help the Dark Angels Military by upgrading and developing new weapons and technology, while D.A Shipyards help manufacture the newer D.A vessels entering production. Organizations such as the Intelligence Agency and Security Bureau often work in conjunction with the D.A Military.
Dark Angels Army for Ground Forces