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Vindictus Ove

From TCH Archive
Revision as of 03:26, 20 July 2021 by imported>Alphaology

The Vindictus Ove is the naval branch of the Oscdean State, and serves as the dominant and main military branch of the Oscdean Military. For centuries, It is seen as the crown jewel of Oscdean military superiority, strength, warfare, and technology.


β€œ A natural force, of sky and space ”
β€” Cosmus Nopulus

For a long time, the dominant force in the Oscdean States was its air superiority but was inferior to the main air powers in the East and Southern continents. The founding of the Vindictus Ove can be traced back to the launch of the Mordolin Pod, the Rift Drive, and the Ceres Class carrier in 2299 by the recently formed Oscdean State.

With a need for a well established and organized naval branch, Cossus Nopulus officially founded the Vindictus Ove in 2300 as a means to establish national power and diplomacy against the states direct adversaries such Haven and SMG.

Since then, the Oscdean State has always maintained their military efforts on the navy, and most of the technologies and corporations the state has today was mainly founded through the intense research and extensive funding of the Vindictus Ove.


For centuries, the Vindictus Ove was the most renowned military force among the Tauran nations, both an inspiration to allied nations and a formidable adversary to conflicting nations.

Active Officer Members

Tauto Azupo - Grand Panturion Admiral

Cauro Esdar - Vovues Head Admiral

Lospus Dauo - Vovues Head Admiral

Xarna Urobaun - Vovues Head Admiral

Majifsk Yaarjlk - Vovues Head Admiral

Ulalta Esbo - Endco Fleet Captain

Barcilkk Couijslk - Endco Fleet Captain

Cal Una - Endco Fleet Commander

Wesnu Lorbis - Endco Fleet Commander

Salau Apiosle - Endco Fleet Specialist


# Ranking


Terran Equivalent
I. Onsmus Private
II. Uosus Corporal
III. Vossus Seargent
IV. Cossus Warrant Officer
V. Paus Chief Warrant Officer
VI. Inav Lieutenant
VII. Endco Captain/Colonel
VIII. Vovues Vice General/Admiral
IX. Panturion General/Admiral


In the Vindictus Ove, ships are never built alone, rather a ship must ensure that it has a sister ship, thus, they are most commonly built as twins. Rarely do they come in triplets or quadlets, but there has been instances such as the Yastua Retara set.

With most of an entire ship dependent on its technological functions, Vindictus Ove ships are generally lightly crewed, often consisting of engineers, captains, and ground troops.

Active Fleets

The Vindictus Ove is divided into 4 main fleets, each main fleet is joined together by two sub-fleets and are commonly lead by a Zaudai Class battleship as a flagship/battleship.


V:O Cantvit

The Cantvit branch mainly consists of crewmembers, maintenance workers, and engineers that keep the ship operating at all times.

V:O Emisaer

The Emisaer is the air branch of the Vindictus Ove, mainly consisting of pilots and weapon specialists that deploys troopships, drones, and fighter jets.

V:O Vendani

The Vendani branch are weapon operators. They are responsible for operating the weapons on the warships from fletchet bays to heavy rail-guns.

V:O Toreum

The Toreum branch is the commanding branch of every Vindictus Ove ship. They fully consist of officers, admirals, and the captain. Every head officer from the other 3 branches report to them.

Udani destroyers part of the Calias Fleet on an expedition in the french alps.

Active Ship Classes

Under the writ of Faraum Gefari, the Vindictus Ove has 8 type of active ship classes, separated into Old War and New War categories. Vindictus Ove ship designs are often geometric and blunt, which allows an efficient rate of production while also maintaining a strong hull structure.

New War

Ships after the Writ of Faraum Gefari reformation.










  • Jiouri Energy Barge

Old War

Ships before the Writ of Faraum Gefari reformation.



