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Shadows & Swords II: The House of Tartary is a roleplay mini-series and sequel to 2023's Shadows & Swords. Set after the death of Howland Chambers, Shadows & Swords II: The House of Tartary follows a BalancΓn nobleman, Kamari Tartary, as he navigates the politics of the new Holy Roman Empire. Kamari's son, Eagan, explores his heritage.
The mini-series is set to employ the same first-person POV style of prose as the previous series, with each instalment telling the story from the perspective of certain main characters.
POV characters
- Lord Kamari Tartary, Duke of Montrose
- Eagan Tartary, adoptive son of Lord Kamari and true heir of Brandon Blackfyre
- Sir Eagan "Egg" Pena, a former King's Guard and sworn sword of Lord Kamari
- Dame Arecel Duffy, the new Lord Commander of the King's Guard
- Sir Andaren Flores, the deposed Lord Commander of the King's Guard
- Gatsby, Sir Andaren's personal squire