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Dalkaisk Dictionary: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 18:16, 5 December 2020

Below is a table of existing English-Dalkaisk translations and their parts of speech. The language is still undergoing development. More information on the language can be found on Dalkaisk (Language).


Abbreviation Part of Speech
ADJ Adjective
ADP Adposition
ADV Adverb
AFF Affix
AUX Auxillary
C Conjunction
I Interjection
N Noun
NUM Numeral
P Pronoun
PPR Proper Noun
PTC Particle
V Verb

English - Dalkaisk

English Definition Word Part of Speech
ability kesa N
ago tepruste AFF
air hul N
airy hulij ADJ
all tan ADJ
allied embonij ADJ
ally embonje N
ambassador intajnatsiv N
and ij C
angel enzhelje N
angelic enzheljesk ADJ
animal lonvoarmi N
animalistic lonvoarmij ADJ
appear oleve V
are (multiple) jen V
area lestad N
arm suotso N
army strervejn N
art lestuj N
ash borej N
aspect silet N
ass kusto N
assemble asembliske V
assembly assembliskaya N
at je- ADP
attack porjek V
attack porje N
attend retjefren V
attention retjefre N
attentive retjefren ADJ
back estitsije N
back estuba N
bad tsij ADJ
bank bajnizha N
belly vuoma N
big angij ADJ
billion degnalje NUM
black kantsen ADJ
blue vajen ADJ
body fasle N
book vazhi N
border lendve N
bright rasijesk ADJ
brown kakaojen ADJ
bucket peditse N
business vesbor N
but pelaj C
calf sevan N
capital kadiniz N
capitalise kadinize V
capitalism kadinizisme N
capitalist kadiniziv ADJ
car avtu N
case rulej N
categorise gelesaje V
category gelesaja N
change kuljao N
chest jintu N
child femere N
childlike femerij ADJ
city tsaj N
close rje V
closed rjenij ADJ
coat of arms kajstatsi N
colour kajsten N
colourful kajstenij ADJ
commoner zhenroda N
commune komun N
communism komunitsme N
communist komunitsmij ADJ
community kommunij ADJ
community komunitsa N
company kanpje N
compassion kampatsinat N
compassionate kampatsij ADJ
conference kanferans N
conservation khesuja N
conservatism khesulija N
conservative khesulij N
conserve khesuje V
corporation karpitsaj N
correct jestuv I
correct jesavije V
correction jestuvtsi N
cosmopolitanism khelistij N
country lusaz N
cousin lefa N
create desoj V
creation desoja N
culprit vjolatsa N
cultural dekhalesk ADJ
culture dekhala N
cultured dekhalij ADJ
dark dakj ADJ
darken dakje V
day shtaj N
day task N
dedicate dajdteske V
dedication dajdtesk N
defence juntaje N
democracy demokratija N
democratic demokratijij ADJ
develop frese V
developed fresij ADJ
development fresa N
diplomacy redivasa N
diplomat redivatsiv N
do suse V
Doggerland Dogerland PPR
door led N
double zu ADJ
drive perasje V
east otsesk N
educated edjatsij ADJ
education edjatsije N
eight nom NUM
eighteen nomerel NUM
eighty nomati NUM
elbow venis N
elect dushelij V
eleven anerel NUM
embassy intajnatsikham N
end ajtse N
english Anglesk ADJ
enter etumenje V
entrance etunije N
evacuate zhetva V
evening petesktaj N
exit attsinje N
exit attsinje V
eye oj N
face pumo N
fact zhetu N
factory menifaj N
family ustani N
father pape N
federal vuvajij ADJ
federation vuvaja N
feminine shuzajesk ADJ
festival fenstisije N
festive fenstisk ADJ
fifteen vejzherel NUM
fifty vejzhati NUM
fighter rjeflem N
finger anslu N
fist lakhe N
five vejzh NUM
flag Ustaj N
foot dusho N
for naj ADP
force fansja N
forceful fansjesk ADJ
forest felotse N
forty dajti NUM
four daj NUM
fourteen dajerfel NUM
free sej V
freedom sejsk N
friend luket N
friendly luketuja ADJ
from nas ADP
fuck tsek V
fucking tseke ADJ
fuel penjasi N
future seduna N
futuristic sedunajij ADJ
game vantsi N
gamer vantsiv N
gerbil dzhabol N
girl pum N
go se V
good tere ADJ
govern zustajtsen V
government zustajtsije N
green khrojen ADJ
grey puven ADJ
group sborkije N
guy man N
hand pata N
he/she/it/etc jo PTC
he/she/it/etc ren P
head umej N
heal hetuje V
health hetu N
heel dushoesta N
hegemony zeleveska N
hello priva I
hi prij I
his/her/its ranen P
historical astanij ADJ
history astan N
home khun N
honour shenvinsk N
honoured shenvinsk ADJ
hour oraj N
house amakha N
how vots ADV
huh ne I
i vaj P
idea umejije N
ideal umejesk ADJ
ideate umeje V
idiot tsekjen N
idiotic tsekij ADJ
if sut C
immigration entuseje N
in tep ADP
independence svobonije N
independent svobodnojesk ADJ
indigo istajen ADJ
inform informoj V
information infomatsije N
infrastructure nerusatsa N
innovation ljeknesaje N
insignia insignija N
institute ensajtese V
institution ensajteseje N
international tanrevij ADJ
is je V
issue jestepa N
job hejna N
kid otsur N
kind pustas N
knee inva N
land rev N
language bajle N
law venesaj N
leader poritsa N
left khumaj N
leg suangij N
level dastuve V
level dastuv N
liberal jekulij N
liberalism jekulija N
liberation jekutsije N
liberty jekula N
librarian vazhetiv N
library vazhetu N
life voj N
life vajne N
light rasj N
like rij C
line sina N
linear sinuja ADJ
live voje V
live khali V
look ansuje V
lore unjevi N
lot shevja N
magenta makhen ADJ
man okher N
matter lelosine N
may tunel V
member majmbe N
metal nosvandja N
metallic nosvandij ADJ
might tunre AUX
militarisation delitsijetuve N
militarism delitsisma N
militaristic delitsij ADJ
military delitsija N
million sirnalje NUM
mining vukastin N
minister menetsiv N
ministry menetsiva N
minute anler N
moment suvantsa N
moment suvantsa N
money pulaj N
month luz N
morning otsesktaj N
mother mame N
motor fugele N
mouse tvendjep N
museum mjusejo N
my mjin P
name lusosk N
nation damjil N
national damjilij ADJ
neck khuste N
need naje V
new ljekij ADJ
night dakjaj N
nine skej NUM
nineteen skejernil NUM
ninety skejti NUM
ninety-nine skejti-skej NUM
no pjo AFF
north nartej N
northeast otsnaraj N
northwest petnaraj N
nose helis N
not pjo ADV
now buva ADV
number anduj N
numerous anduja ADJ
of tsi ADP
office ofitsija N
oil ajvi N
old kajva ADJ
one an NUM
one hundred tajn NUM
open taje V
open tajnij ADJ
or moj C
orange najtsen ADJ
organisation petanstale N
organise petanstaje V
other zulo P
others zulov N
our pasin P
parent lervutsaj N
part vosji N
party restava N
past aduna N
people narodav N
person naroda N
pink fablen ADJ
place lojsa N
place lojsa N
please popresheke I
please popreshek V
point antsije N
popular narodmjov ADJ
populate narodmjen V
port baj N
power fuzajti N
powerful fuzajtij ADJ
presence felurem N
present felureva N
president prezjiden N
presidential prezjidenij ADJ
problem fuklaj N
problematic fuklij ADJ
program pugrama N
programmer prugramaniv N
progress zjematse V
progress zjematas N
protect holse V
province pajsentse N
provincial pajsensk ADJ
purple vajetsen ADJ
purpose jelet N
quartz kupesaj N
question lajmitse N
question lajmitsije V
question marker lajm ADP
ray raj N
reason resajm N
red rosinen ADJ
relate devesje V
related devesanij ADJ
relation devesaja N
remain leruje V
remainder leruja N
republic rjespublika N
republican rjespublikaviv ADJ
research sojtsuva N
research sajtsuven V
reserve deliva N
result lusuv N
right ovuma N
right sustaj N
righteous furatuja ADJ
rights furatije N
room dumitsaj N
room kham N
room poshe N
say reglen V
school isaj N
seem peshe V
segregation gajle N
serve shuvatje V
server shuvaja N
service shuvataj N
seven lep NUM
seventeen lepersel NUM
seventy lepeti NUM
shoot dren V
shop tsappe N
shopper tsappiv N
shoulder angjos N
side van N
silence dzenle V
silence dzenla N
silent dzenlij ADJ
six sen NUM
sixteen senersel NUM
sixty senti NUM
small otso ADJ
society marnklisk N
soldier suldjesk N
south suten N
southeast otsuten N
southwest petsuten N
special zvetsio ADJ
specialise zvetsoj V
spruce itsapja N
stairs otsonije N
state etat N
state lajsije N
station estatse N
stationary estatsij ADJ
story shiva N
storytelling shivaregej N
student isajotsur N
students isajotsurij ADJ
studious isajotsij ADJ
studious tensurij ADJ
study tensur N
study isajotsije N
study tensure V
symbol sombleja N
symbolism somblejasme N
system evase N
systematic evasij ADJ
Tauran Tejrusk PPR
Taurus Tejrus PPR
teacher pusteje N
team dumo N
technology dusamani N
ten rel NUM
territorial sutajesk ADJ
territory sutaj N
that kjem P
their renaje P
then nejan C
they renaj P
thigh kustava N
thing sivin N
thirteen zverkhel NUM
thirty zviti NUM
thousand gerajn NUM
three zvi NUM
time pret N
to loj ADP
to av ADP
toe anslu otso N
tree fel N
trillion nanalje NUM
trouble ajkefre N
troubled ajkefrij ADJ
truck kurets N
twelve lerertel NUM
twenty lerati NUM
twenty-eight lerati-nom NUM
twenty-five lerati-vejzh NUM
twenty-nine lerati-skej NUM
twenty-one lerati-an NUM
twenty-seven lerati-lep NUM
twenty-six lerati-sen NUM
twenty-three lerati-zvi NUM
twenty-two lerati-ler NUM
two ler NUM
union futere N
unite ustaje V
united ustaj ADJ
victim proge N
war khava N
warehouse varkham N
warlike khavavij ADJ
water pju N
way nej N
week lepja N
welcome lestale I
west petesk N
what ves PTC
what tev I
when vejn P
where vjar ADV
where sushe C
white ujasen ADJ
white ujasen ADJ
who vur PTC
why vask P
with men ADP
woman shuzaj N
word mur N
work nesaje N
world tansutaj N
x-ray xraj N
year tjene N
yellow ojstajen ADJ
yes saj AFF
you tajsk P
you tej P
your tujen P
your tasejn P
zero van NUM